I have so much to do in life and I feel like I have so little time. I have huge education loan on my head which I need to start paying as soon as I get a job. I am trying so hard for a job, all I got are rejects till now. It is really touch to manage 5 graduate classes and be involved in an active job search. I am lying here half dead on my bed as I write. I have 3 assignments to submit tomorrow but I am so tired. I hope god give me the strength to fight.
Just need to get this out so I can continue my day. I work alone at a business where my boss is in another city. They pay the bills for everything to run here but I take care of everything. My boss keeps paying things late and I have to be the one to apologize to vendors and clients, and he won’t take responsibility and it pisses me off. We get deliveries of a certain product monthly that must be paid monthly, and this is the second month it wasn’t paid and I didn’t get my delivery (which I
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I’m doing my best to live with you and keep the peace. I buy groceries and share them with you. I bought you a snack in town today. So why the hell do you have an attitude with me all the time? My husband and I actually pay rent to live here. We are paying our bills and buying groceries and trying to earn our way in this world. YOU? You sit on your fat, lazy ass under a roof that our MOTHER is paying for, watching Netflix on a wii that belongs to ME, on a TV that belongs to our MOTHER, eating
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