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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: people

Your search returned 92 results.
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Why are some people so toxic in game chat 1720

God, some people need to just get off the earth if they see everyone else as idiots of faggots! and for GODDAMN’S SAKE, IT IS A FUCKING GAMEROOM CHAT and the fucking mute button does not work…!

Maybes 1524

i’ve tried to set up dates, hangouts and other events with people, yet alaays end up bailed on. It’s not even the fact that the plans fell through, it’s that whenever i fucking ask i don’t get a yes or a no. I GET A GODDAMNED MAYBE. Then after i check it’s “sorry i have other plans” i try to set up a dfferent day, and the same MOTHERFUCKING thing happen. It’s like giving false hope that something will happen, just give a damn yes or a no. I’ve been rejected manny times, and i’m ok with that. …view more

Fuck it 1622

All I do is work and come home to lay down. If I’m not doing that I’m cleaning. I’ve tried playing games and watching shows but nothing interests me anymore. I have no friends because I hate everyone and I can’t trust anyone, let alone the fact that I find most people grating. What’s even the point to life anymore? Work until you die.

Society 2018

Dear Religion,

You suck. Stop killing people. Just stop with the praising of something that doesn’t exist. And get out of the Pledge of What ever. I don’t want to thing of some dead supernatural when I pray. All the people who follow religion are old and dying. #Roasted. Fight me ur get into the 21st century and admit that earth isn’t flat, dinosaurs are real, and gays are awesome.

Society 1730

Dear Snake,

Stop dating every girl at once. Tell me your secrets, because you aren’t even that cute and you date at least 3 dif people a day.

Thank you,

Society wants you to share.

what is me 1613

i have a few problems right now. The typical ones that a teenager has. Studies, financial, people. I have been a very strong person for the past years. But, as time pass by, I realize I already had a problem. A big one. It concerns me and my mind. I just realize since I now faced the real world, I already had it when i was young. Depression i never knew starts as little words when I was a kid. Depression then grow by how people treat me. Then now slowly torturing me by almost everything. Now, i …view more

Don’t care who this offends… 1527

Need to get this off my chest.

I know of the historical injustices faced by women and people of color. As a white male, apparently I don’t understand it but I try.

So now I’m in law school, top 15% of my class and I can’t get a job offer to save my life. I try so hard to tell myself that my hard work will pay off yet I am a few months from graduation with nothing and student loan payments coming due.

Yet I know (for a fact) that some “diverse” students in my class got picked up by big law …view more

Love . . . ? 1019

I hate the word love. I just don’t understand its meaning as everyone has a different opinion on what love is. I tell people who I enjoy being around, that I love them. I tell my best friend who I a guy - Bae. Yet however . . . I can’t say the word love to my family. Nor boyfriends or girlfriends. To them it feels that stating I love them - means something . . . else? I don’t know- I just feel that love is a hollow word with little purpose.

Introvert in a New School with Stupid People 1621

Today was my first day of school, and its a private school. This is my 4th new school in 3 years. My grade only has 19 people in it, so having a new kid is a rarity. I was like a shiny new toy or something. The thing is though, I hate socializing. I don’t like talking to people, so having all these people trying to talk to me made me feel very wrong, and I would try and hold small talk but I’m such an awkward person that they just looked at me weird when I inevitably said something stupid. I …view more

Fuck off fucking knobs 1116

Why are people so fucking greedy and selfish? Mansplaining rude bastards. Things that should be simple take fucking days because of incompetent wankers. I’m close to a meltdown and hope this reduces risk of that. You hear me internet? FUUUUUCK!!!!

I hate being nice to people 1719

I hate that I’m a nice person. That’s really it. I’m nice to just about everyone, and I always forgive people. Even if I desperately want to hate someone, I physically can’t. I’m so plain and boring and all people ever call me is “nice.” I want there to be something more to me. “Nice” is all there is anymore and I give so much to other people that now I’m a walking train wreck but I keep giving because I feel guilty when I want to have something for myself because I’ve spent my whole life …view more

Pieces of shit 1721

Why do people believe they are above others? It’s so idiotic. Like fuck off, just because your parents have money does not mean you yourself will make something of yourself.

Dear Immature People: 2033

If you’re overly immature, please grow up. There’s nothing wrong with being a fun, vibrant person, or being a child at heart. But it’s seriously annoying when all you do is act like you’re five. And this goes for all people who act like children even though they’re way too old to be like that. People who bully people for the color of their skin, or the god they believe in. People who judge others because they’re brave enough to express themselves. People who laugh when they see two men holding …view more

I blv I’m cursed 2023

Age 30, brown S Asian male here. And yes, I blv I’m cursed.

Let’s start with symptoms. This only has to do with relationships. I get angry. Jealous. And suspicious. When I lose it I shout at people. And those that get hit hardest are those who’re closest to me. And it hurts.

I have some kind of attention surplus disorder. Let’s just say that I saw something out of ordinary from my spouse. I am bound to notice it. And I’m cursed with excessive attention. You can safely say I’m a human …view more

To everyone(not really) 1019

I’ve been struggling with this problem for maybe even for five years now. It’s gotten to the point now that I am paranoid, though it is partially my fault. It just puzzles me how something so insignificant, something so small and different can be life-changing for them. Hell, I don’t even see it when i look in the mirror at myself everyday. I don’t see this horrible person looking back at me, no. All I see is me, looking back calmly at myself. However, many things that have happened contradict …view more

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