Posts Tagged With: people
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I have been in the army for 12 years and I still can’t get over how fucking incompetent some officers are. The organisation is so fucking archaic and stuck in its ways it’s failure is systemic.
Why do I keep serving you ask?
Because if people like me don’t serve the whole organisation would just consist of retarded people, and retarded people with guns is bad…….
Ever since I was a child, I’ve absolutely hated hearing other people talk. Even when there are a few people in the room having fun by just chatting, I absolutely cannot stand it. I always have something to do, and noise does nothing but distract me.
So, naturally, I expect silence in the evening in my college dorm on a specifically designated “quiet floor”. I’ve got people a few doors down who get wasted every Saturday and try to convince their friend to get wasted with them. I’ve got people a
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I am sick of people stereotyping me as a dumb blonde and then being surprised when I punch them!
Just because I’m blonde, I’m not a bloody cheerleader! I’m on the rugby team for fucks sake!
I often don’t feel good enough. Like a worthless piece of shit and I know its not true but why else would people not put as much effort into being there for me as I do for them.
I have insecurities about my body just like everyone else. It started with people making comments, some were even my best ‘friends’. People don’t really say comment on this anymore, but it doesn’t mean my insecurities disappeared. Although I still think about it all the time, I thought I was getting over them. Then today this person I know said something in front of some other people I was sitting with and it was just so embarrassing. I blush really easily so I turned away pretending I wasn’t
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I’m the biggest hypocrite. I’ve always said that I’ve never met anyone who isn’t important, but then I took a good look in the mirror. I’m so unimportant. If I died I’m pretty sure very few people would care. The ones that did would probably forget eventually. One day in gonna say “No I’m not okay” and no ones gonna know what to do. I’ve tried to be a rock for everyone for too long. And I can’t talk to anyone about it because I’m the strong one, and no one will know what to do.
First of all, in the Bible, god killed so much people. Satan killed only 10, but god killed so much people that I’ll give no shit trying to describe it. And why would god damn people to hell just for being enough of an ass to believe in a different religion. It’s just plain bullshit. That makes god an asshole. Plus, there are so many fucking, flaws in the shitty rules or blah blah blah of Christianity. Atheism for life!!! Can god draw a shitty looking square circle. Your god isn’t who you think
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I stay friends with a certain number of people on Facebook because their lives are like watching a train wreck, in slow motion. I can’t turn away! Especially when I know intimate details about them that they don’t know I know. I enjoy the hypocritical posts, the fake sunny dispositions, the perfect selfie I saw them shoot 25 times before getting it right, the huge purchases-making them spiral into debt. I really love the posts that are such a blatant call for attention. It all makes me know
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I want new friends! cI need new friends. But i dont know how to approach people. Life is so bloody depressing. Nobody wants me. :’(
For all the people who call someone gay or bisexual to try put them down is just darn right rude and disrespectful. Not only to the people you are trying to hurt but to the people who actually might love someone of the same sex!
Judge people on their personality and not on who they are attracted to.
There is no right or wrong choice in whom to love whether it’s a male,female, both or neither. It is your decision and yours alone.
people are being
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todays society has officially worn me down at the age of 18. muslims killing people in the east because there religion says so (which it doesn’t, they’re just killing to gain power and wealth). government branding us like fucking cattle with social security numbers and such. and watching children grow up to become retards because of YOLO and SWAG … the fuq is this. music has went STRAIGHT down the shitter. nickki minaj anaconda getting positive reviews? FUCK THIS!, TV shows being the same
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I’m fat, and no I don’t want your pity. I just don’t understand why I can’t even get a fat girl to fucking like me. Everyone is all about looks first, personality second. Even the fat ugly ass bitches that preach about the idea that people should accept you for who you are, are going around just landing desperate, decent looking men. It’s fucking outrageous how hypocritical and fucking stupid women truly are. I bust my ass every mother fucking day and night. I’ve dieted on and off for 2 years,
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I doubt anyone will read this, but I am so sick of racism. White, black, indian, middle eastern, etc. But especially black-white/white-black
I hate when I see videos on Youtube or Vine of black people saying “White people be like …” and the like.
Two wrongs do not make a right.
Stop. Please.
Why is life do hard? Girls are fucking horrible. The one i like loves another girl. Another girl likes a different guy. Another possible girlfriend is dating lots of people. Another possible girlfriend is too hardcore for me. I’m a sadist and I feel like turning into it why can’t I be like a normal Asian? Why is life so hard?! Why can’t I be normal for a change?! Why do I have to see the hidden stuff everyone hides? Can’t I be a little un-observative for once? Can’t like be normal with
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I’ve got a fucking school that thinks I’m a dangerous son of a bitch who is going to walk into a fucking school and shoot people. well I’ve got news for them I don’t ever want to do that okay I’m not a dangerous person they treated me unfairly and I’m pissed off about it so what. well turns out I’ve got court on the third next month because of this whole mess and I’m only 13 so go figure. I’ve done nothing wrong so why treat me like a criminal? because apparently troubled kids who have ADHD or
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