Posts Tagged With: people
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I hate my mom, even though her man’s “okay”.
People just don’t get it — she’s exactly the kind of person I hate and yet I still have to deal with her!!!
I’m 17 and she treats me like a kid, but when she want to vent or discuss some shit with me, all of a sudden it’s okay to pretend I’m an “adult” all of a sudden.
For the first time i my life, I have my own room and she refuses to leave it. Why can’t she understand that I-DON’T-LIKE-HER!!! She constantly tries to destroy my self esteem and
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Life. Life is not the easy dream that is implanted in our minds from a young age. Life will not hand you the world on a silver platter full of opportunities. Even if you work very hard, further your education, it makes no difference.
Life is HARD. Life is MEAN. Life is full of INJUSTICE.
People that you encounter will talk about you no matter if you’re doing right or wrong. Life is not NICE.
I have worked hard, furthered my education, knocked on businesses, phoned around. Yes i have a job…for
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ME 3137
I’m sick of people, seriously… to an extent that I don’t know if I’m surrounded by assholes or I’m actually one myself. I pretend that I don’t need them and I show the independent and confident side, but to tell you the truth, I’m extremely insecure.. I got my own group of friends, but that’s just so far! I go to college and when I’m there, I’m not really myself. People think I’m unsocial. But to hell with them!
I don’t know if I should do something about my silence or just go on like
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Ok.. First of all I don’t see why you have to make things so incredibly difficult for yourselves and the people you contaminate with your dumbassery. If you like a girl, then like her, hang out with her, engage her in conversation…etc. DO NOT play this pathetic “hard to get” push-me-pull-you crap. You’re a MAN for goodness sakes, not some air-headed damsel. If you like a girl, act like it. If you don’t just tell her you aren’t that interested. Oh and do not assume that just because a girl shows
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People I love worry about me. They think I’m depressed, sick, suicidal even.
I tell them I’m fine.
I hate lying to them.
I lie so they won’t hate me for being so weak.
Why am I so pitiful, unable to tell someone to their face I might need help? I can only stand behind this mask, and yell it out to the unknown masses.
Do you think I’m weak?
Why the hell can’t people just come out and say what they really mean, rather than posting stupid, double meaning messages on facebook or twitter especially when you know it’s directed at you. If I’m annoying you, fucking say it. I’m not fucking stupid and I can’t be arsed with your immature attempt to be subliminal and sneaky while you post publically about what’s annoying you. Just get to fuck. It’s utter bullshit. I’m so sick of it. And then you’ll act like nothing happened and if I bring it
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I’ve fucking had it with both of you.
You tease your friends, whisper like you two are a fucking couple and all that bullshit.
Whisper, giggle, whisper…is that all that you two fucking know?
Person #1: I’ve been trying to be nice to you..but you’ve changed. I mean keep your boobs in your shirt and chill…other people can talk to your boyfriend too…HE’S NOT THAT GREAT!! >:( He’s using you and the whole world sees it! But nooo….if I so much as glance at him, you try to take my head off….
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Judge me on my actions and how well I treat others. I’m not a murderer or a liar or a user. You have no right to ridicule how I treat others when I treat them with the same respect I give to you, the person ridiculing me. Keep your damned cynicism. Don’t taint me with it. Even if you don’t agree with my methods (as long as they don’t hurt people) say you understand how I feel. Don’t talk down to me or insult me or ridicule me because you don’t have the mental or emotional capacity to understand
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i find people in life just generally suck. like a lot.
I have two boyfriends. I love them both. I cannot possibly say that one is better, hotter, funnier, or in any way superior to the other because they’re both the best people i know who deserve so much better than me. I know I’m being selfish and I know that society says I have to choose one eventually. But I can’t bear the thought of hurting either of them. They’re both my better halves. I know that the only fair outcome is for them both to leave me to wallow in the loneliness i deserve. But
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What happened to the past? When everything was simple, people seemed to help out total strangers in need, and there didn’t seem to be so much drama everywhere. It didn’t feel like everyone was out for themselves…not to say that the present isn’t too horrible, it just feels like we’re missing something.
Maybe it’s just the depression talking.
I’m so fucking sick of people and all of their bullshit. Fuck professors and their aggressive attempts force their views on their students. Fuck the students who are so fucking brain-dead they can’t think for themselves. Fuck coworkers who will smile to your face while trying to get you fired behind your back. Fuck the dead-eyed drones that stare at cellphones and laptops for 12 hours a day but don’t take the time to look at the clouds or stars. Fuck people that hide their own insecurities by
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I’m sick of myself. I’ve become so tired of waking up every morning that I sleep through as much of the day as I can. I don’t want to face people. I feel like a complete, useless failure.
I’ve been looking for work for two years and still no success. I’m sick of being turned down for everything and sick of having no money.
My closest and oldest friend is going out to dinner for her birthday, to some buffet. I can’t go because I don’t have the $25 to pay for it. I feel awful about it.
I feel
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For God’s sake. Some people have the worst taste in men ever. Know I liked them and instead went for the one with questionable personal hygiene, riddled with STIs and acts like a complete tit the entire time. He’s even worse looking than me! Plus has never been momogamous to anyone and regularly sleeps with people with ‘friends’ are seeing! I concede his stomach is bit slimmer than mine but when that stomach is infested with scabies I consider that a moot point.
Right, so you think because you’re old and I’m young, I am obliged to give you respect? NO. That’s not how it works.
When a stranger stops in the middle of a narrow street two meters ahead of you and declares, “I’m not walking anymore.” Then I think it’s safe to say I will be surprised by and will struggle to get past her.
When I and a group of my friends try to get past said stranger, and she declares, “MANNERS”. This is meant to be some sort of moral lesson to us?
Well forgive me if I’m
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