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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: person

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Shameful petty deeds of the day #1 1624

Got a facebook notification. It’s some girl’s birthday. So I post: “Happy birthday!” like an idiot. Then hours go by, I keep seeing her birthday posts on my wall and it’s all “have a wonderful day!” this, and “oh thank you so fucking much!” that and “enjoy your kids” like that’s even about her? What? emojies of fucking koala bears with fucking balloons which doesn’t even make sense what is this…? Every single fucking person on that page got a comment, like a solid few word comment with an …view more

im a terrible person 1622

it’s annoying af but it could be my extremely competitive tendencies. when i mess up or can’t get better than another person, i internally dislike them. i wish i were more kind or accepting of my flaws. i love to be top of my class, and when i’m not, i hold a deep grudge. obviously not to the point of spreading rumors or other terrible things, but i think on the inside, i’m a bad person

what is me 1613

i have a few problems right now. The typical ones that a teenager has. Studies, financial, people. I have been a very strong person for the past years. But, as time pass by, I realize I already had a problem. A big one. It concerns me and my mind. I just realize since I now faced the real world, I already had it when i was young. Depression i never knew starts as little words when I was a kid. Depression then grow by how people treat me. Then now slowly torturing me by almost everything. Now, i …view more

LOnely 1321

Im very lonely, inside .. no one likes me, because Im a super intense person.
Im successful, and creative.. but inside im a child, who needs reassurance..
Im also angry and this comes out .. its a vicious cycle

What am I worth? 2133

I keep fucking up my life and i can never forgive myself. I’m such an emotional person and i get emotionally attached and because of that I do things i regret to feel like I’m worth something when in in the end it just makes me feel less and less about myself. I feel so alone, even though i’m surrounded by people who i know love me. I have family, but I don’t know what family is. I have friends, but they all leave me thinking everything is fine. I have myself, but I’m the person I hate the …view more

I hate my teacher 1817

You know when you really freaking hate someone and you can physically feel your blood start to heat up whenever you get within 20 feet of a person? Well thats what I feel when I get near my english teacher. This “teacher” (i say the word lightly because she doesn’t teach nor am I aware that she is capable of doing a half decent job of teaching) is so racist and overall blind of everything around her that it just shocks me. Sensitivity training is a joke but OMG could she use some. I wish I …view more

Being left out 1726

No matter what goes on with my ‘friends’ it is if they don’t notice I am even there. I am never spoken too but on the off chance I am spoken too it doesn’t last as some other person will start speaking to them or they speak to someone else and I get completely blanked. I really irritates me as all I want is to be sociable.

Talking Shit 2228

Please tell me I’m not alone when I say this, but isn’t it annoying when someone constantly just talk shit about someone you care about? Like what the hell, you know I love and care about this person, you telling me about them in a bad, no shit I’m going to tell them! Ex. so this one girl whom I’m sorta friends with keeps talking shit about someone I love and care for, constantly calling them an asshole and crap…… I’m so close to just pushing her into a fucking ditch, she won’t stop talking bad …view more

A Horrible Fucking Person 1320

Why the title? Because only a horrible fucking person would think the things I do. A horrible fucking self-absorbed person.

My mom just got out of the hospital after her fourth mini stroke. The first one was about four years ago and it messed me up I think more than anyone else involved. I mean, she still doesn’t even remember most of the ordeal and I think she’s the luckiest fucking person for that because if I could cut into my own brain and take out the part that remembers, I would. In a …view more

my story 1919

I’ve got a fucking school that thinks I’m a dangerous son of a bitch who is going to walk into a fucking school and shoot people. well I’ve got news for them I don’t ever want to do that okay I’m not a dangerous person they treated me unfairly and I’m pissed off about it so what. well turns out I’ve got court on the third next month because of this whole mess and I’m only 13 so go figure. I’ve done nothing wrong so why treat me like a criminal? because apparently troubled kids who have ADHD or …view more

Ex-Bestfriend. 2315

You’re always talking shit about how people should “tag others in a status when they make it about them”.. && then when all that shit went down on twitter.. you said it was stupid of that person to post tweets about me without me knowing.. YET, you KNOW I dont have a twitter anymore.. && you go && post a tweet about me? Yeah, thats real mature. Maybe you should take advice from yourself at one point && not be a pussy. GAHHH.

Contaminated 1424

I just told my boyfriend that the person I tried to sleep with ( but failed as neither of us were into it) is now one of my best friends, someone he’s met. And although it was fine before he knew who it was, he now thinks he can’t be with me. He’s the first person to convince me I’m not damaged and disgusting. I just want to finally escape the past and if he can no longer convince me that’s possible, I only see one other way. I’m so trapped.

Fuck you life you foul dirty whore. 1632

I don’t know what I did. I’ve always been a good person. So what I don’t follow the most common trends of society. I’m myself and I like it that way. You don’t like that? Piss off. I have better things to do than worry about you and your cheating, lying, manipulative, dumb ass. I gave her everything and more and she turns around and fucks some other guy who is the biggest piece of shit on the planet. Not even 19 and you already have a criminal record? Can’t even stay in your own house without …view more

Fair Weather Friends 1524

High school is over. I wish I could say the person I was then is the person I am…but that’s a lie. I have always been hateful, spiteful, greedy, and out only for numero uno. The people I met at my school were so obviously superficial and contrived, I floated among them daily, somehow managing to never lose perspective of who I am. If I had the chance to, if i was not so afraid of their hive-minded scorn, I would tell them all just how useless they were. I would make mention of how I trucked …view more

nasty ass person 1721

you think you’re winning but you’re not. i know a little something you think i dont know. and since you’re a social network bully, it shows how pathetic your nasty ass is. you can use my friend, and treat him like shit, and come at me for what you think i did… but if i post up one thing that i know about you on my profile on that social networking site.. i will have you wrapped around my finger and YOU WILL SHIT your pants after. And all that shit you say behind closed doors… i bet you wont say …view more

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