I haven’t spent long on this planet. The duration of my lifetime was neither in the worst or the best of scenarios or environments. It was that grey middle ground, that hideous unavoidable centre. The class of people that earns too much for any kind of benefit and too little to make anything of them in regards to finances. Though I felt so lucky this entire lifetime in comparison to what this world does to so many others. Knowing countless individuals die every single moment we live and breathe
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life fucking sucks. but what do i know, i’m manic depressive. but see this is why it sucks. I get one life to live and my brain is fucked up. I can’t be a normal fucking person. I get one chance to be a human on this planet and for some reason out of my control my mind is broken. I hate to say it but my country sucks, everyone is fucking greedy and stupid. The worst thing about my country is people don’t even realize they are greedy and stupid. They think they are the best and have reasons
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The entire human race hasn’t got a fucking clue why they exist and is just pandering to their basic desires until they finally die. Am I the only one who is wondering what the fuck is going on on planet earth..? Not one person out there can give me a valid reason for my existence on this lonely little rock aside from to create some mini-mes so they can grow up to be fucking clueless too. I feel like i’m tied to the mast of a ship with no captain or crew going round in circles. Am I the only one
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I’m sure that almost everybody feels this way at some point, if not at all times. Why must the world be bubbling over with idiots? Why am I asked an innumerable amount of stupid questions each day? Why does it seem that I am the only person on the fucking planet that has any common sense?