Posts Tagged With: pretend

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They’re only “honest” when it’s convenient for them 2629

I hate my mom, even though her man’s “okay”.

People just don’t get it — she’s exactly the kind of person I hate and yet I still have to deal with her!!!

I’m 17 and she treats me like a kid, but when she want to vent or discuss some shit with me, all of a sudden it’s okay to pretend I’m an “adult” all of a sudden.

For the first time i my life, I have my own room and she refuses to leave it. Why can’t she understand that I-DON’T-LIKE-HER!!! She constantly tries to destroy my self esteem and …view more

ME 3340

I’m sick of people, seriously… to an extent that I don’t know if I’m surrounded by assholes or I’m actually one myself. I pretend that I don’t need them and I show the independent and confident side, but to tell you the truth, I’m extremely insecure.. I got my own group of friends, but that’s just so far! I go to college and when I’m there, I’m not really myself. People think I’m unsocial. But to hell with them!

I don’t know if I should do something about my silence or just go on like …view more

Giving Up 3633

so long my hubby and i have been trying for a baby!
Seems everyone around me is pregnant and having babies every time someone else announces they are having a baby I die a little inside, it hurts so bad… I have to pretend to be okay with it all the time but it hurts, a lot!

when can it be our turn when can we have our own baby I dont want to lose another baby :(

Xmas 2741

I really really really hate christmas. I pretend to be all happy and jolly about it though, I dont want people to think I’m a freak

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