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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: reason

Your search returned 18 results.
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Family gatherings.. 1214

I’m so tired of boring, same conversation, ranting gatherings with my closed-minded, small-town only, hate everything family. Every time I attend, I end up thinking “I am better than this” and am correct. The only thing that gets me there is my hot older sister, since we’ve been sexually messing around for years. In fact, whenever I tell her I want to bail on going to something, she uses sex to get me there. Even yesterday, I wanted to not go, but, hot older sister kept offering to wear what I …view more

Fuck love I hate myself 1924

for some reason i fall in love with her in my first sight. She is just a random girl I saw in a coffee shop. I got her LINE ID, I thought she was giving a sign for us to be able to keep in touch because she did not just go quickly after talking with her client. I who close my heart tightly, blown away by the smile and the beauty of her. how many monsths since i felt like this? long time ago, but this is greater. i feel not want to lose her. i love her, but do I love her?. my logic is being …view more

eating disorder stress 1316

I really really want to recover from my anorexia but for some reason I keep restricting my calories a lot. I just feel like my stupid dietitian is trying to hard to make an effort to make me fat and she really tries to control me and it makes me hate her so so much. Ugh!!! Kill me now!!!

Shit Friend 2725

Wow, so I’ve been best friends with this girl for 3 years now, and she legit just cut me off for no reason. I’m mad, sad and regretful. She was never supportive, honest nor trustworthy, why didn’t I notice every shit she’s been doing earlier?
Let’s call her ASS. Ass is such a fake bitch. ASS can tell me all about how this girl, BITCH, talks shit about me 24/7 and then the very next day, ASS would act like she’s BITCH’s bff. Like, shouldn’t ASS stand up for me? It’s not that hard to tell BITCH …view more

The rude people on the streets 1120

Say im exaggerating, i dont mind. So I really hate those people on the streets who have just had a bad day and start raging at you for no reason. So today I was getting home after class, and this woman was flinging her arm around, and i was getting around her bc i was trying to get home ASAP. So her flinging arm hit me, and i was thinking ‘whatever, people are just rude, ill deal’. But instead, the bitch started raging at me, she was like ‘YOURE SO RUDE, YOU SLAPPED ME AND YOURE NOT EVEN …view more

Get a goddamn brain 1927

I’ve never met a bigger piece of shit in my whole shitty goddamn existence. You never understand how you’re wrong or what you did to make me hate you. You bitch and moan all the time for no fucking reason. Excuse me you fuck but Im 100% sure that your life isn’t as hard as you want everyone to think it is. I don’t fucking pity you, I spit at you. I spit at your pathetic attempt to be a man or a father. You’re the only person I’ve ever met that I cannot read.
There is literally nothing going …view more

My sister the MOOCH 1615

My sister is the main reason I want to move out. My husband and I have been forced to live at home with my sweet mother and my sister, because of financial difficulties. Oh. My. Gosh. My sister is such a lazy, ungrateful mooch! She sits around all day watching netflix, cooking and then wasting food that someone else bought, and NEVER cleans up after herself. She hasn’t washed a dish in… what, YEARS? This morning I found a plate with bread crusts sitting ON THE COUCH right next to her “nest”, …view more

Antisocial Mom >.> 1827

My mom thinks I’m “self-centered” for making a history self-devised quiz. One of the questions was, “Which rabbi preserved Judaism?” and one of the answers was my full name (which, for security reasons, I won’t disclose in here). My mom said “How self-centered can you be!? You’re not an important historical figure!” I was just trying to be funny, because OBVIOUSLY I am not a rabbi and I did not preserve Judaism. My mom barely has any sense of humor, that’s why she has no social skills, and …view more


In the grand scheme of things everyone has a defense or a reason AND IS INNOCENT behind their psychopathic behavior, but you STILL HAVE TO LOOK OUT FOR YOURSELF!!!


Let me tell you about this redheaded bitch. We will call her miss fuckalot.

Miss Fuckalot, loved to fuck, she had hooked up with so many guys that she can’t even remember, PROBABLY LIKE A LOT OF PEOPLE LOOKING BACK AT IT.

When I first saw here my heart melted. I could even …view more

I Kinda Hate Myself 1920

I don?t know if I?m gay, but i know I?m not straight and i guess this not knowing what to call myself ( amongst so many other things, including the fact that my friendship group of 10 years has only ever seen me as straight, the fact that for some reason the word ?lesbian? has always seemed to be the one chosen for teasing me and i?ve always laughed it off?as well as some cowardice) is the reason for my failing to come out. I don?t know what to come out AS. Any time i?ve thought i was attracted …view more

What should I do 2122

Okay… this all started a last month. My girlfriend broke up with me and didn’t even tell me or give me a reason why. I am so depressed, I don’t know what to do with myself. I miss her and I wish she would come back… but I don’t think she will. I think she went back to her ex, even after she told me she wouldn’t.. I blocked her out of my life so I could forget her, but it didn’t work. I only ended up hurting myself. I was talking with one of my exes and I started falling for her, but I decided …view more

life sucks 2525

life fucking sucks. but what do i know, i’m manic depressive. but see this is why it sucks. I get one life to live and my brain is fucked up. I can’t be a normal fucking person. I get one chance to be a human on this planet and for some reason out of my control my mind is broken. I hate to say it but my country sucks, everyone is fucking greedy and stupid. The worst thing about my country is people don’t even realize they are greedy and stupid. They think they are the best and have reasons …view more

life 2329

I hate living. I HATE it. I hate being alive. I’m not good at ANYTHING worthwhile. Everything I do, or try to do, makes me depressed, and doing nothing makes me depressed. I don’t even have a reason to be depressed. I’m so mad. I annoy everyone. I just want to be dead and out of everyone’s way. I’m a burden on everyone. Just get me out of here.

With jealous friends and boyfriends like you, who needs enemies??? 2124

How’s my day? Oh..I don’t know, How IS my day?? My day, my day, MY DAY! You wanna know how my day was??!! Well, it was okay..UNTIL THE END!!

My lying, backstabbing Bxxxh of a friend completely ruins my mellowness! I make ONE mistake over a year ago, and she holds on to it and uses it against me..WHILE I AM THERE! Then she gets jealous of my skin color for some reason and goes bashing light skin (Her own best friend has the same skin tone). AND THEN she somehow brings my boyfriend into the …view more

I -get- it. 2231

I know that you have issues with depression, and I know that you like poking fun at yourself for it for God only knows what reason, but joking about dying in your goddamn sleep is -not- funny, and I’m getting sick and fucking -tired- of you -totally ignoring- any kind of concern I have for you. You make me -hate- you sometimes, even though you’re my best friend, and that just makes me hate -myself-. I’m not telling you to shut up, I’m just asking you to have even the -tiniest shred- of sympathy …view more

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