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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: relationships

Your search returned 25 results.
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26 year old asshole 1219

I’m 26 years old and I feel like I’ve wasted my life. Straight out of HS I started a media business with 4 of my closest friends. At first it was amazing. We even expanded. We made pretty good money. Better than most in our generation. I dedicated all my time to it…I was addicted to that feeling of success like I made something of myself, but I think I also did it because it meant I got to spend time with one of the other cofounders. I never really cared about relationships, and I never really …view more

The Problem With Dating A Younger Guy 1924

My boyfriend is 6 years my junior. 85% more mature than most guys my age… Except.. When he gets mad at me he blasts me with the silent treatment

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not 1416

Every single day, I’m stuck to wonder this. It seems to change from time to time. Yesterday, we went on a date and it was so amazing. Now, though, I’m resorting to explaining my problems anonymously because anyone else would just tell me, “I told you so.” I don’t know what to do anymore…there’s at least two times a week I’m stuck feeling this pain, but I know that I would feel an even greater pain every day if I broke up with him.
I’ve been thinking about this for the past week or so but these …view more

Led Me On 1920

Why did you lead me on for weeks, only to tell me you don’t like me?

I don’t even know where to start tbh, I’m a 17 yrs old girl and I’m still learning from my mistakes. This is where my rant starts, I’m dating the love of my life and we’ve been dating for two in a half years now. But get this, I’m what you call a natural flirt and everyone (including my girlfriend) know this about me.

Now let me tell you guys this, about a month ago, I started to find one of my co workers cute (bad …view more

idk 2435

i’ve always been the type of person to try and see the best in people. a part of me believes that’s why i’m in the position i’m in right now, because i’m so forgiving. i’ve come to the realization that i’m not enough for anyone. i’ve had heartbreaks and i’ve had nights where i’ve stayed up until 2am crying my eyes out into the nape of my shirt and clenching my fists.
i’ve had nights where i lay there emotionless in bed staring at the ceiling because talking out my feelings isn’t even worth it, …view more

I blv I’m cursed 1922

Age 30, brown S Asian male here. And yes, I blv I’m cursed.

Let’s start with symptoms. This only has to do with relationships. I get angry. Jealous. And suspicious. When I lose it I shout at people. And those that get hit hardest are those who’re closest to me. And it hurts.

I have some kind of attention surplus disorder. Let’s just say that I saw something out of ordinary from my spouse. I am bound to notice it. And I’m cursed with excessive attention. You can safely say I’m a human …view more

Men marrying whores 1923

Like the title says, men marry whores, and when the relationship goes sour because she cheated or cleaned out his bank account, the guy will inevitably jump on to Twitter and blame every woman on the planet and proclaim that we are ALL whores and two-timing bitches. Free clue: That’s what you get for marrying a whore. Don’t blame decent women for your poor choices in a mate. You don’t want us, remember? You don’t want a woman that truly loves you. You marry with your dick instead of your …view more

This goddamn boy 2425

I met this guy a while ago. We were best friends instantly and we really hit it off. He’s funny and nice and adorable, and we share the same interests. Almost immediately, he told his friends he was REALLY into me, and it got around to me (we share a lot of friends). He said I was his “future girlfriend”
Originally I considered keeping him in the friend zone. He’s hot and I like him, but I wanted to be free. Then I started hanging out with him more…
We very gradually began to flirt. I was …view more

You piece of shit…. 1932

I don’t fucking believe this! It’s just one lie after another. And now, after proclaiming your desire to stay single for life, you have hooked up again with another random bitch. I thought you said you “never want to get serious again”. WTF happened to that? Oh, but trust that this sham of a relationship wont last long when she finds out what a giant ho-bag of a man you are. But this time, I wont be around to give you another helping of rebound pussy. You’ll have to go back to fucking random …view more

My housemate 2028

So, my housemate is the most entitled person I’ve ever met; comes from an incredibly wealthy background but has absolutely no issue living in a compete shithole of a house. She hasn’t ever cleaned anything in the two years she’s lived here, has to be pushed to do her dishes, and leaves massive shit stains in the toilet. She also constantly brags about being the smartest person around, and is all over a condescending bitch.
In fact, she’s so cocksure that she ended up failing her med school …view more

Boyfriend trouble. 2025

Idk if I should break up with my bf or not. He’s really sweet and caring and nice but he’s also very over possessive and clingy. I’m so torn. He gets jealous easily and wishes i did too over him too so that he’d feel “wanted”. I’m not that type of person and I’ve told him but he doesn’t understand. And when I mention a break up he says things like “I need you please don’t leave me you’re all I have” bc he goes through quite a lot at home. Then I drop the topic bc I feel guilty for having …view more

i know your lying 2530

dude, i know you’re lying. i know you still talk to her, I saw you ask her for pictures. why dont you just man up and tell me the truth. you lie and you’re controlling and even though you drive me absolutely insane, i can’t imagine living my life without you in it. what am i going to do?

July 1022

I’ve generally been “better” recently, with usual manifestations of despondency. You talk to me for a few days, then don’t for a week. You are the Joel to my Clementine, and I can’t help but to want to erase you from my memory as the story goes. I’ve tried to put you in a box along with my emotions but I keep reopening the box out of temptation for a reminder of what happiness once felt like. Day in and day out I see the same shit and the same people. I see the world glorified and plastered on …view more

I Hate That You Left So Soon 2325

Your a bastard for just walking away without even trying. I put so much of my time into making you happy. Did you ever stop and try to do that for me. God our relationship was a joke. I wish I hadn’t asked you out… or I wish you hadn’t said yes. Yet I still want you back, I still miss you, and i wish you would just fall back into my arms.

You’re a dick. 1317

If you’re in such a great relationship, and we were just getting over eachother then why the fuck would you talk to me in the way that we used to? Are you trying to lead me on? I’m completely confused and i can tell you are trying to flaunt your relationship just to get revenge. I told you i was sorry, we made a promise, you agreed. And broke it once again. You’re a jerk. But.. I love you.. It’s been a year or so and i still love you? Why?!? Better yet why do i keep going back to you after i …view more

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