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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: roommate

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stupid roommate 2325

i don’t care that you’re an asshole who kicked me and hit me when you were drunk, but for the love of god, why do you have to eat the crunchiest combination of foods - rice cakes, crunchy peanut butter, and apples - while I’m working on a very important job application!! get the fuck away D’:

p.s., not that you’d know because your parents pay your rent and you haven’t done a proper day’s work this whole year >:(

Way to make a guy feel unwelcome in his own damn house 1123

You know what’s great? The fact my one and only goddamn female roommate is so petty and dramatic and bitchy and passive aggressive that she has made me feel unwelcome in my own goddamn house. MY name is on the lease, HERS isn’t! She doesn’t even actually live here! She just happens to be dating one of my roommates who IS on the lease, but it’s so bad anymore that I’m about to fucking move out because she decided she needs to be a god forsaken cunt to me and I don’t even know why…
Bitch, if you …view more

bad habit? 1836

im in my first year of college, i miss classes every once in a while, but i tend to bail out on days where assignments are meant to be submitted. i feel like an asshole to my groupmates.
and im not sure whether my roommate moved out because of me or what but something tells me something is tied.. and two nights ago i was sexcamming(first time in dorm room) while roommates were sleeping(it’s a 4-person room). minutes later i realised there was a shadow of myself n the wall. not sure whether …view more

My roommate is annoying the crap out of me. 1527

I hate my roommate lately. Our internet has been on the fritz and I was trying to connect to the modem directly to see if the router might be the problem and she was like, it’s not the router it’s the modem. Now, I realize it is probably the modem but I figured what’s the harm in checking? And then she was like, the router always works, it’s the modem that’s malfunctioning. Which is a dumb thing to say because a router is hardware, it can absolutely malfunction. She was like, I know, it’s my …view more

I can’t wait to move out of my dorm 1424

My roommate plays the same songs over and over again. I’ve kept a tally, and she has played the same song 10 times in the past three days when I was in the room. She has played another song 6 times in a row, and she has no shame in playing them on full volume. She doesn’t even have headphones/earphones. I’m so sick of this. It has only been a month, but I don’t think I will be able to contain my anger for long. I worry I’m going to become passive aggressive.

There laptops, not chest tops, roomie. 1825

Okay, so this is just a small little nitpick, but my roommate always lays his laptop on his chest when he’s doing just about anything related to it. Not at the nice college provided desk, not in his lap, but his chest as he lays in bed, falling in and out of sleep the entire fucking day as he browses Reddit or netflix. How lazy can you get? I mean, I’ve seen him do entire fucking reports like this, and not be nonplussed by it. At least try to look busy, damn! I suppose I’m more just upset by …view more

I’m being unreasonable, yes, but I can’t help being annoyed at you, roomie 1517

So, for most of this year, my roommate never stayed at our room. Seriously, he slept here maybe twice a week, and even then, he’d come home when I was asleep at like 4 am, after having spent a total of maybe two waking hours in the room. Needless to say, I kinda don’t expect him to be home ever. I also just kinda started to feel like the room was mine alone, just with a bunch of things that a friend was storing their. This was terrible thinking on my part, and I’m suffering because of it.

It’s …view more

Mooching Roommate 1833

Oh my fucking god. I swear the next time you say the word ‘flea’ I’m gonna roundhouse your nose into your brain. I’m obviously doing all that I can to get rid of my dogs fleas and they’re almost gone. One thing that always confuses me is how you say you have all these “flea bites” all over you and you’re tired of finding fleas on you. How is it that you have flea bites and you find fleas but my dog sleeps with me, lives in my rooms, rolls around in my laundry, and I haven’t found a flea or flea …view more

im so happy right now 2224

for like a split moment i am really happy.
its night and i just finished masturbating. im listening to some good music. roommate isnt here. ready to sleep and wake up early for my chemistry lab tmr.
sharing my happiness, my sweet sweet babies.<3

My Roommates a bitch 1215

My roommate is an inconsiderate, childish, selfish, spoiled, stuck-up, lying, whoreish, annoying, disgusting, bitch and I absolutely hate that I have to wait 4 more months to move out. I want to punch her in the face for all the times she’s woken me up at 5 am, never done the dishes, never cleaned, complained about how “terrible” her life is, and throw my wet laundry out of the dryer onto the floor to dry her own. I hate that she made me get rid of MY cat claiming she’s allergic when clearly …view more

Priorities, asshole! 2829

My father, 61 years of age is also my apartment roommate for the last 10 months. He told me Friday that I’m gonna need to cover the rent for both of us for next 2 months because he’s not employed and is running out of money.

He has only worked about 8 months in the last 3 years. Mostly living off welfare checks and the kindness of others. I would not have moved in with him if I had known this info.

Now, I come home from a full day of work (and will be going in on my day off tomorrow to work …view more

Sunnyville, CA 1520

Hi everyone. When my roommate comes home, she wants my undivided attention. She can see that I am busy but makes up bullshit questions just to interrupt me. She drives me damn crazy!!! Then she pretends that I care and I pretend that I care, but I don’t give a fuck about her ugly ass!!! Go to hell!! Fuck off!!

first world problems, man…. 1315

I have no idea how to tell my roommate that I don’t want to live with her next year. I love her, I do, but she lacks common sense. She also said she would go home over the summer, but her dad would still pay rent. then! She tells me that he won’t and I’ll be stuck with the bill. So I’m looking for a one bedroom place now…. so…yeah.

And I think I’m in love, with a guy that doesn’t love me. he’s one of my best friends…. but I don’t think I rank that high up on his scale. whenever I’m with him I …view more


My fucking roommate…INCONSIDERATE, NON-DOMESTIC, SO INCREDIBLY FUCKING DIFFICULT TO LIVE WITH. Always getting in the way, doesn’t clean ANYTHING EVER, no respect for my or my other roommate’s lives. Talks and laughs loudly RIGHT outside my bedroom door early in the morning when she knows I’m still sleeping (or trying to…).
Doesn’t know how to stack a fucking dishwasher or rinse her dishes before putting them in there. Our trash can and recycling bin are DISGUSTING because she doesn’t rinse …view more

The roommate I wish I never met… 2621

Last year I had a roommate who seriously HATED me. We got along okay when all of a sudden she started treating me horribly. It was because I took some food that I didn’t know was for her only (we agreed to share some food but turns out there was a dispute over that). She also accused me of interrupting her for everything (ok I admit I may have been quite annoying but I have Asperger’s and don’t socialize or pick up social cues very well…I merely wanted to be more outgoing because normally I am …view more

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