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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: rude

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shut the entire fuck up?? 1522

my girlfriend is really great i love her a lot but it seems as if she can turn on me at a moments notice about small unimportant shit i was trying to correct her spelling about something and she fucking attacks me about it because of something that doesnt affect me and how shes right and shit but the link i sent her has the name in the spelling i have so im actually right and shes being ridiculous and its not even like i corrected her in public in front of everyone this was over a text and she …view more

Dear Immature People: 2033

If you’re overly immature, please grow up. There’s nothing wrong with being a fun, vibrant person, or being a child at heart. But it’s seriously annoying when all you do is act like you’re five. And this goes for all people who act like children even though they’re way too old to be like that. People who bully people for the color of their skin, or the god they believe in. People who judge others because they’re brave enough to express themselves. People who laugh when they see two men holding …view more

Friendship 1126

K here’s the thing. I have friends. I’m not the type of person to complain about not having friends when I actually do. I’m not picky with who I befriend either. But the friends that I have are all over the internet. When I say I don’t have friends, I mean friends in real life where I can see them everyday and hang out with them every day and not struggle on a certain date and time we can see each other due to distance and time differences. I love my internet friends though, don’t give me …view more

Children should be seen and not heard! 2330

There are four houses near mine where kids live. Only one allows their sons to run about our street screaming, shouting and making a huge amount of noise. We have to crawl our cars down the street as the boys like to play chicken with any moving vehicle. We have eight houses that are all adult households. Three of these houses have garage conversions to make extra bedrooms and the boys try to spy through the blinds at the people inside getting changed.

All of us at one time or another have …view more

I hate the people who are around my age in my area 1919

Honestly, I cannot stand them! I probably wouldn’t speak to them even if I was better at speaking with people. I hardly go out of the house and so I can pretty much stay clear of them all, but my sister likes to go out and hang out with her friends quite often. So I get her stories when she comes home. She and her best friend decided to go out and cosplay to the store and neighborhood center. Some teens commented on their outfits, and one girl compared their outfits to some porn she saw. WTH? …view more

You’re a Dick. 1428

I see at school every day, we have known each other for two years, we are good friends, and you still make fun of me. You are constantly making fun of my breast size, my art skills, my likes and dislikes, my outlook on life. I cant do shit about my breasts, I think my artwork is fine, I like what I like(so get over it), and I think I have a fairly positive outlook on life. At least I didn’t have sex at 15, switch between the same two relationships five times in one and a half years, and comment …view more

pissy girlfriend whose boyfriend forgot to mention that relationship to me 2431

Okay it just really pissed me off that that girl phrased it, ?what is your issue?? I?m sorry, I don?t have an issue. But really, you had to ask me AGAIN? I?m sorry, but I was surprised to hear that the boy I?d been BANGING for several weeks had a GIRLFRIEND. It took me a minute to realize what a douchebag he was and whether or not I was going to cover his ass even though he lied to me.

So back to me having an issue- ACTUALLY, the only issue here is yours, girl: your boyfriend has an issue …view more

Rude Hello and Thank You People 1623

Just got off the phone with a telemarketer, I said hello after picking up the phone and no thank you before hanging up (it was an unpleasant experience). At work a customer with a blue tooth on her ear walks up to me and says hello, I nod and say hi, then she says she expects me to say something when she’s talking to me, like I didn’t say anything. I said I did say hi but you have that thing in your ear and probably didn’t hear me. On my lunch break a man held the door for me at stop-n-go, I …view more

Rudeness 2230

You know, politeness doesn’t cost you anything. Its very easy to say “thanks” after I back your bag for you cos you’re too LAZY to do it yourself. Stupid bitch.

That goes for all the other people out there who think its perfectly acceptable to not say a word to someone serving you, its not okay, its very very rude!


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