Literally, I feel like everyone hates me. I’ve completely fucked up everything in my life, and I’ve pretty much ruined every good relationship I had. I’ve been depressed, honestly, since my freshman year of college. Every roommate I’ve ever had can’t stand me, and I even had to switch rooms in the middle of the year because things got so bad. I did join a fraternity (a co-ed one), which was pretty cool, and I even held an officer position this past year. Overall, things were pretty good. But
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You bitch. I told you I liked him and you told me he was a player. You said he is like that with everyone. K so I listened to you and now look? You told some other girl to bring him to our prom?! Really, really????? You fucking knew I liked him! Now what?
It’s not like this is the first time you’ve done this with other guys that I have liked. Just because I don’t like the guy you suggest doesn’t mean you have to go around ruining shit for me.
There’s just no use with you, is there? Fuck sake,
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Thanks to you and what you did to me I lack the ability to completely trust people. Not only that, but I over-think everything. I worry that what happened between us is going to happen again with someone completely different. Thanks to this, when I’m not with her I feel alone and abandoned. I’ve become this needy and obsessive person, someone I never wanted to become. And now I have no idea how to over-come this… you’ve ruined me.
That shit you pulled with her sent me into a major depressive episode that effectively ruined my life. The next several years were spent with mild but long-lasting depression and anxiety. I’ve got trust issues, anger issues, and borderline Avoidant Personality Disorder. You’re a fucking sociopath, you know that? Maybe most people don’t see it, and a few can tell there’s something off about you, but I know first hand what a sick, broken, individual you are. I fantasize that one day you’ll do
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