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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: scared

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School Stress 1820

I have a final, and it is a mock trial. Our teacher said that she would give us extra credit if we do extra roles, but one of my classmate said that she only gives extra credit to the main positions in the mock trial. I am scared that my grade will go down, and I will not be attending a good college.

Obesophobia/Anorexia Nervosa/Pocrescophobia 1321

I just..ugh :(, i live with the constant fear of gaining weight, and just hearing the topic of fat/weight, or anything of that matter. Like…I am so insecure about myself. I don’t eat more than 1800 calories a day and i just..i hate eating basically. Previously, like about 2 months ago, i would not eat. I didn’t eat, i would eat <500 calories a day and most of it was at school where i didnt want anyone to know i was starving myself. I also had weight loss pills that I took BEFORE and during the …view more

I don’t know what to do 1719

I don’t believe it I’m almost at the verge of tears I didn’t realize I was self-harming all this time what the fuck is wrong with me I told myself I wouldn’t relapse again I can’t fucking do this anymore but pain is the only thing that helps calm me down. I can’t ask for help from my family because all they do is get mad at me it happens every freaking time. I’ve done all this and I’ve done nothing but silently let myself get dragged down deeper and deeper into this again. I don’t want to do …view more

Afraid of life 2431

Some introspection yesterday revealed that my fears and insecurities are specific to certain events and situations (ie marriage, work) but I’ve found that ultimately, I’m insecure (and hence afraid) of life. Life or reality, in my heart, is not something to be lived and enjoyed, but something to be borne or carried, something that’s a continual challenge, something that must be continual guarded against and prepped for. The insecurity seems to result in a defensive attitude towards life, that …view more


GOD you have no right to say that my brother and I bitch and moan because guess what dad?! you do it more than we do Hell I go out of my way NOT to, yeah I’m crying it’s because you scared the living shit out of me!!! and now you’re trying to show me what I look like when I’m doing it oh no DO NOT CALL ME A SIX YEAR OLD WHEN YOUR NO BETTER THAN A TWO YEAR OLD HAVING A F**KING TANTRUM!!!

Archelen, Seriously do you have ANY idea how selfish and bitchy it sounds when you freak out at him over a …view more

I don’t want this. 2839

I hate this.
I really don’t think I’ll ever find anyone that will fall in love with me.
On the outside, I come off as so confident, so beautiful, so intelligent, so everything, and I am-a truly amazing woman. I am enjoying life. But inside, it hurts. It’s not that I won’t ever find anyone, but the fact that if I do, I don’t think I’d ever be able to accept him. If he were to offer his kind hand to me in my time of need, I would shove it away, curse him, and run far away!… I always told myself …view more

I’m so confused and just bleh 1522

So frustrated, so confused, so tired, so sad, so angry…grrr….Dean, I want to tell you how I feel, I really do. I want to tell you that when you don’t txt me back it cuts me inside because I feel like you don’t feel the same way as I do. I’m scared that if I txt too much you will get annoyed with me and I’m scared if I txt how I’m feeling it will just piss you off more because I’m trying to push you into liking me… I’m stuck in a rut of not seeing you for a month, giving you my all and only …view more

Awkward. 2430

You’re a prick and put me down so much, some cases cry, whether you intend to or not. I’ve tried telling you multiple times what I feel but you push it aside and still find a way to patronise me. It’s like I can’t even face to talk to you any more but I can’t help it as I do have some feelings towards you. You just don’t get it do you? I want to let it all out instead of beating around the bush but I’m scared of what you will say in reply.

to fight or die? 1918

I’m at a loss as to how to proceed. I’m terrified of being alone, and yet I can’t see any other future for me. Its a recent realization that when I joke about being a 25 year old virgin whose never had a real boyfriend and never will because she is broken its not actually hyperbole in my mind. I accept it as truth. I will never keep a close friend for more than a year or two, and I’ll never have someone to cuddle with on the couch after a bad day. No one can love me as I am, and after 15 years …view more

Scared to come out 4548

I have gender dysphoria (male to female) and I’m scared about coming out to my friends, and wonder whether they’ll accept me or not.

It’s all so bloody confusing.

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