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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: school

Your search returned 53 results.
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Your mum owns a multi million dollar house, you’re 21, you expect her to pay all your bills still, you went to a private school, you probably don’t have a college loan you vote on the far right and you have NO IDEA what the VALUE OF MONEY means! You should NOT BOOK MY SERVICES if you CANNOT PAY ME! Just because I am AN ARTIST does not MEAN that I WORK FOR FREE! ESPECIALLY ON A PUBLIC HOLIDAY! I know I’m not a FANTASTIC artist BUT. I didn’t get to go where I wanted to go for College/A GOOD …view more

my mental health 1127

I honestly doubt anyone will read something this long, but here we go anyways. I don’t want this post to be a cry for attention or anything, but I need to rant so fucking badly.

I’m not self-diagnosing because I honestly think that you should go to the doctor and figure it out with them, but I think I have anxiety, am suicidal and depressed. I’m not sure if depression fits in with being suicidal or vice-versa, but I listed both because I want to be sure. I’m also not sure if suicidal is only …view more

She doesn’t believe that I care 1813

I have a friend, best friend actually, that has recently come out and told me that she’s been feeling depressed a lot. At first I thought that our feelings would be the same, but hers are a bit more worse. Today she said that she was feeling really nervous about kids at school and how she thought that they didn’t like her. I proceeded to tell her about how a lot of people love her, including me, so she doesn’t have to worry that much. She only repsonded with okay. I told her that I loved her …view more

Don’t care who this offends… 1527

Need to get this off my chest.

I know of the historical injustices faced by women and people of color. As a white male, apparently I don’t understand it but I try.

So now I’m in law school, top 15% of my class and I can’t get a job offer to save my life. I try so hard to tell myself that my hard work will pay off yet I am a few months from graduation with nothing and student loan payments coming due.

Yet I know (for a fact) that some “diverse” students in my class got picked up by big law …view more

I Hate School 1415

Every fucking day, Monday-Friday, I have to get up at 5:45 in the morning to get ready and get on a damn bus to start the viscous cycle of homework, being around potheads all day, and working myself until I can barely even function. I want to go into the biology field, so why do I need to take, algebra, physics, English classes (I’m fluent in the damn language), and history (I pretty much know everything in that field). People will tell me that I need to enjoy my school years while they last, …view more

school will ruin me 1526

tomorrow school is starting again and i feel so anxious, even though i have no problems with people or with teachers at school? It is my last year, so I only have ca 4 months to go, but i don’t know what i’ll do after school either…
before the winter break I already skipped classes a looot and I expect from myself that I will not skip classes anymore until I graduate. I somehow doubt myself and that I cannot fulfill my expectations and that I’ll keep skipping classes. I wonder why it is …view more

Introvert in a New School with Stupid People 1621

Today was my first day of school, and its a private school. This is my 4th new school in 3 years. My grade only has 19 people in it, so having a new kid is a rarity. I was like a shiny new toy or something. The thing is though, I hate socializing. I don’t like talking to people, so having all these people trying to talk to me made me feel very wrong, and I would try and hold small talk but I’m such an awkward person that they just looked at me weird when I inevitably said something stupid. I …view more

Life man 1921

My boyfriend decides im trying to avoid him on purpose even though i fcking love him like wtf lmao if i dont wanna talk to you im going to tell you?? im trying to balance sports school ap classes and a relationship next year and this year he cant even handle one sport. next year is going to be fucking hell and i love this man we promised we would get married and i still promise him that but i think he is on the verge of leaving me. im also trying to deal with an eating disorder which isnt …view more

parents 1619

Here i am ranting on a website because I can’t stand this anymore. recently i received my report card and I wasn’t doing so hot in this quarter, and I knew that I wasn’t doing well. I ended up having 3 B’s 3A’s and 1 C. MY parents came un glued when they found out about my report card. My teachers don’t do a great job teaching and my school environment is awful, its difficult to learn when your whole class is full with bitches and idiots. Anyway, My career is to join the air force and attend …view more

Bedtime thoughts 2015

Doing your best to study but still coming up short. If college is this bad, I can’t wait to see what adulthood has in store for me!

people at school 2323

What separates a popular person from a non-popular person? Besides the fact they’re ‘cooler’…..can you actually think of anything. no? wanna know why? because there isnt a difference besides the fact that they think that they are better than you. that makes me so so so so mad. WE ARE ALL IN THE SAME SCHOOL WITH SOME OF THE SAME TEACHERS AND AROUND THE SAME AGE. you are not better than anyone anywhere. get over yourself. someone should not have to get permission to talk to you that is WRONG.



Sweet, Sweet Freedom 1522

Dear old friend group,
Sarah- You are dramatic for no god-damn reason. It is annoying and immature. I wish you could find it in yourself to life without a boyfriend for more than a month.

Rachel- You wine about how others act, but you don’t say anything to their face. I wish you can learn how to voice your true feelings to a person’s face.

Taylor- Being a lesbian doesn’t make you cool.

Emily- You are a blonde bitch, with your head stuck so far up your ass that it is a scarf.

Kendra- I …view more

Life 2024

So! Well… Life, as the title says. Gah, what a despicable word… yet, wondrous one.
Life for me is, well, interesting. I suppose. Being in high school,(junior) life seems to be pretty nice! Talking with friends, laughing at perverted jokes, making some of my own, blending in with the jocks and nerds at the same time, its pretty nice! I’m fine with camouflaging myself- I myself don’t even know my true self, but I know that the friends I have aren’t the issue…
The thing is, there’s a deep, …view more

My 2015 story. 2531

My ‘friends’ forget about me all the time. They forgot my birthday, despite the fact I try to make/buy something for them on their birthdays. On Dec 20th, there was a small party I was invited to, yet I was able to leave (I was sick) without anyone but the host noticing. Just yesterday they had a new years party and forgot about me. Everyone else in my school is the same as them, so I can’t find new friends. So I’m going into CyberSchool, because these people who claim to care about me don’t …view more

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