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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: selfish

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Mike is a friggin retardo 1922

He’s a childish, drunkard, low boy that has lost direction in his life. A total ass!

Fuck you. 1726

Women, go fuck yourselves, I hate all of you. Why do you have to be so damn hard and fucked up? Like we talk for so long and all of a fucking sudden you never talk again. And it’s not even like I said anything controversial or fucked up! So FUCK YOU. All of you. I can’t believe, 9 months on a dry spell chasing after women, looking for a LTR, just to be turned down or ignored multiple times. I even have a fucking big house of my own, with no roommates, I’m NOT fat OR ugly, I have a fucking car …view more

Overall humanity sucks 1218

Sure there’s lots of good things about humanity. Sure there’s lots of things to be positive about.

BUT… overall, the tendency and direction of humanity is a downward spiral.

Everyone knows it. I think that’s what drives me mad the most… the insanity of watching the collective world around me try to kid itself that the good things in between and the positive things will somehow win out overall when every scrap of evidence says otherwise.

I bet lots of you will read this and know exactly …view more

My Awful, Oldest Friend. 1728

So I’ve been letting an old friend and her partner stay with me for the last month, as she had to leave her last place due to problems with her flatmates, and I’d pushed my own house-moving date back by three weeks in order to do so.

…It has been an actual nightmare, more than causing me untold amounts of stress, I’ve actually realised that I despise this person. I lend her money, cigarettes, food, shampoo… because she says she’s broke, but both her and her partner work and have loads of …view more

Going insane 1130

I’m fucking sick of this. They want me to go on a rampage. I want to just smash everything in the house. I can’t fucking deal with it. They tell me to do these things. People say they don’t hear the things I do. Probably why I’ve been in a psych ward three Times already. Probably going back again today if I can’t control my rage. They say I’m selfish for wanting to commit suicide but they’re the selfish ones who brought me into this world. I’m done with this shit. I’m fucking sick of it. I’m …view more

To those against vaccinating your kids 918

I think that it is beyond selfish that you refuse to immunize your children. By not doing so, you are risking the lives of I don’t know how many people who either can’t have the vaccines or are otherwise immunocompromised. Infants under the age of 6 months, cancer patients, and then some all stand a risk of dying because you decided that it would be better to turn your kid into a festering shit heap of disease. There are fucking outbreaks of whooping cough in California because of you fucking …view more

Why am I so angry…? 1927

Why does this country make me so angry? I’m speaking of the US, BTW. Everywhere I look, people here are so uncaring, so selfish. They have no interest lending support to their fellow countrymen, as they cry bloody murder anytime ANYTHING involving a use of their tax dollars comes up to HELP people. This attitude that anyone who’s fallen on hard times is lazy, stupid, and wants nothing more than to be a drain on the economy makes me sick. Yet people buy into it. “Anyone who’s poor is poor …view more

so vain 2519

My mom is so selfish! I have asthma, why? I don’t know, maybe because she smoked when she was pregnant with me. She never has time for me. She just takes me to friends house and disappeares in other rooms. She pretends to be compassionat and caring. She hates animal abuse. She wears her ride for dime shirt around like she so proud that she can be a bad ass and a supporter of kids charity. What does she do there? Get fall down drunk. Its just another party to her. What about your kid? She puts …view more

The selfishness of some people… 2119

Last month, my sister-in-law (21 years old, not married or in any type of stable relationship) discovered she is pregnant. The girl is completely NOT ready to raise a child: emotionally, financially, or maturity-wise. Even so, she quickly ruled out the options of adoption or abortion, saying she ?couldn?t live with herself if she did anything but raise the child herself?. She doesn?t even make 20K a year, doesn?t even know which of two men got her pregnant, and just seems to be assuming that …view more

I Just Realized How Much I Hate My Mother 1821

My mother is the classic Cinderella–she expects everyone to treat her like a princess, to cater to her every need. It can’t be helped. She grew up poor but intelligent and without a father, but I can only say that I’m losing my sympathy for her. Everyone has shit in their lives, but she’s never moved on from hers and done anything about it. I’m beginning to hate her for her selfishness, her incessant need to talk about herself, her dominance, and her constant nagging. She complains about the …view more

my girlfriend is a dick head 2119

My girlfriend, is lazy, selfish and manipulative. She constantly shouts at me over every little thing, uses sex as weapon (when she’s not with holding it for months on end), tries to stop me seeing my friends and constantly guilt trips me. I can’t get away from her either, I’ve tried several times and somehow she manipulates me into taking her back. She knows exactly how to push my buttons and works me like a puppet. I can’t think of anybody in this world who fills me with as much hate and …view more

too many men in my life 1728

I have two boyfriends. I love them both. I cannot possibly say that one is better, hotter, funnier, or in any way superior to the other because they’re both the best people i know who deserve so much better than me. I know I’m being selfish and I know that society says I have to choose one eventually. But I can’t bear the thought of hurting either of them. They’re both my better halves. I know that the only fair outcome is for them both to leave me to wallow in the loneliness i deserve. But …view more

Vitae 3140

I was wrong to believe, as I did for a while, that desire is something that we have to resist in our lives. It is only an obstacle if you are too afraid to sate it.

Indeed, the fear IS the obstacle. It’s the stone that I am forever carrying and it gets heavier every day. It saps the joy out of every task and it makes every friend seem like an enemy. I have become paranoid, insular and afraid. I have dug a hole to hide in that is so deep that I can barely see the goddamn light anymore.

You …view more

me me me…I’M SICK OF IT 2735

how do you get through and tell someone that they are being self centered, and all they talk about is themselves. you tell them something about you and they feel like its a battle for something so they have to say something thats better or worse depending on what your talking about? How d you tell them, yo, seriously there are other people besides you here. Lets hear about them, or w.e. ugh its just so frustrating. if you gotta problem and your trying to leak it out to them because they are …view more

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