I’m 26 years old and I feel like I’ve wasted my life. Straight out of HS I started a media business with 4 of my closest friends. At first it was amazing. We even expanded. We made pretty good money. Better than most in our generation. I dedicated all my time to it…I was addicted to that feeling of success like I made something of myself, but I think I also did it because it meant I got to spend time with one of the other cofounders. I never really cared about relationships, and I never really
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Okay idk just wanted to get this off my chest
So ever since I was a child I was told I am a fun, outgoing kid who loved everything. But as I grew up to be a gullible person I ended up making friends and getting attached to people who eventually threw me in the trash and claimed I had bullied them. It gave me a bad reputation to all my other friends and they left me alone. I was so upset and since that incident I was closed off from everyone. I startes getting depressed and anxiety issues
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I hate when people judge other people because their gay, lesbian, or bisexual. It doesn’t make the person any different. It doesn’t change the persons’ personality at all. It’s still the same person you became friends with. When people find out someone is not “straight” they act all disgusted. I wonder if they think about anything before they say it out loud. What if it was them who wasn’t straight. What if they were gay. How would it feel being called “queer,” “fag,” etc. I’m straight but I’m
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I think the wiring in my head is borked. For the past 7 years, the only men I’ve had crushes on (barring one) were gay. Its not something I’m actively trying for, so why? Its bad enough that when one of my gay male friends did a good impression of a straight man I jokingly asked them to stop. Only it wasn’t jokingly. He looked so good for just a moment, and I don’t need that memory haunting me at night.
Is it possible I’m bisexual?