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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: shit

Your search returned 14 results.
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I don’t even know the word for you, darling. 1721

You bitch. I told you I liked him and you told me he was a player. You said he is like that with everyone. K so I listened to you and now look? You told some other girl to bring him to our prom?! Really, really????? You fucking knew I liked him! Now what?
It’s not like this is the first time you’ve done this with other guys that I have liked. Just because I don’t like the guy you suggest doesn’t mean you have to go around ruining shit for me.
There’s just no use with you, is there? Fuck sake, …view more

Stupid ass motherfucking dick. 2029

I fucking hate him so fucking much! Words cannot describe the actual hatred I have towards him! The fuck does he think he is?! Why the fuck did I even see something remotely interesting in him in the first place! I just wish I could take all this shit back and I wish I never knew him. I will never regret saying that.
I literally hate everyone and everything at the moment. He’s the one to be calling me shit? He honestly cannot say shit because the shit he’s done. No, just, no.
He fucking started …view more

Fucking school. 2318

Wow, I’m so glad i just found this website. For the past hour or so I’ve been crying about school. Today was a stressful day because I’m worrying about my grades slipping (yes, i’m one of those people) and everything was just so hard. Everything I’ve been looking forward to these past three weeks have all been canceled so I literally have nothing to motivate me to get me through. I tried talking to my mother about my stress and she said “it’s for the best”. She doesn’t understand. The only …view more

FUCK 2628

I just found out that the girl I’ve been trying to court for years is going steady with one of my mates. FUCKING HELL I HATE SAYING “I’m happy for you guys!” BUT THAT’S THE RATIONAL THING TO DO.

As a friend, that’s the only rational thing I can do.

Fucking hell.

Girl gamer BULLSHIT 1721

I hate it when girls do the whole #GURLGAMER;)) thing, or take a picture of them holding a controller and only play black ops, call of duty, or halo. Whenever I see a comment like that I just ask them what games they’ve played other than call of duty, halo, or black ops. If they got no others then I do not consider them a girl gamer =n= play some Minecraft, amnesia, dead space, legend of zelda, left for dead, or assassin’s creed. Play other things than just first person shooter military based …view more

Ed Sheeran and Everything Else On the Planet 2427

Ed Sheeran is shit. One Direction are shit. TV is shit. Getting up in the morning is shit. Not being able to eat as much as you want is shit. People are annoying. Children are loud, smelly and shit and I hate every single one of them. I hate parents. Not my parents, but parents as a collective thing. They are smug and miserable and shit. The world is a terribly shit place. The news is full of utter utter shit. TV presenters are incredibly annoying. Noise is ridiculously annoying. Jobs are ALL …view more

Who do you think you are bro?! 2329

I’m tired of my friend and the people around me! Every time she speaks it’s about how her life ’sucks’ when truthfully it doesn’t. Then the people around me start talking about how their lives suck and I sit there thinking in my head “Shut up, shut up, shut up!” That’s the things I don’t get why people complain about how sucky things are when honestly I couldn’t give two shits. Wow you’re life sucks I’m sorry but there’s nothing I can do for you. If you think you’re life is so sucky then CHANGE …view more


i hate having to live with people who aren’t even capabel of flushing their own fucking shit. i’m gonna fucking kill the guy who does that to me everyone morning once i find out who it is. how fucking retarded can a person be!!!

Single 2126

It seems like everyone around me is happy and carefree. They hook up and break up so much. Then theres me, the one who’s been single most of my life. I both hate and envy them. Hate for the fact that they ignore all the pain in the world and focus on themselves. Envy because I wish I could be happy and oblivious like them.

Stressed 1622

Too much homework assigned? Check
Mentally abusive older brother? Check
Diminishing social life? Check
No idea what to do? Check
Someone that I trust and can talk to?


I poop in my pants and I love it 2020

I have never really enjoyed using the toilet. So whenever I want to treat myself and my family isn’t around. I put on elderly diapers and poop. The feeling of the warm, smelly goop against my big old butt cheeks. I then sit there and enjoy it as long as possible, then take it off, and rinse my ass in the shower. Once my husband found the full diaper and just looked confused. I played it off as a normal thing. He hasn’t asked any questions.

Crapper Log 2531

An Australian guy tuck a dump on my toilet today.
Seemed like a nice guy though.

FUCK SAKE! Somebody had a shit at my front door! 2523

In what universe is it ok to shit right in front of someones front door??!!! Anyone who thinks this is normal behaviour should be put down at birth!!

Trying to be sneaky really? You aint that good 3544

You think people would get that you know them pretty damn well, especially when they try to hide shit behind your back. I mean I have this friend, I know her very well, been friends for a long time. And she’s had a very rock life with guys, its just not her thing, but how can she think I’m stupid? She’s trying to get back with her ex, cuz she claims she loves him, and well I’m actually all fine with it ya know? I mean sometimes you can’t help it who you like, and well if the guy grew up let it …view more

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