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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: single

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Shameful petty deeds of the day #1 1624

Got a facebook notification. It’s some girl’s birthday. So I post: “Happy birthday!” like an idiot. Then hours go by, I keep seeing her birthday posts on my wall and it’s all “have a wonderful day!” this, and “oh thank you so fucking much!” that and “enjoy your kids” like that’s even about her? What? emojies of fucking koala bears with fucking balloons which doesn’t even make sense what is this…? Every single fucking person on that page got a comment, like a solid few word comment with an …view more

Men never hit on me 2027

Men never hit on me. I am 22 and never had a bf before. I don’t go to bars or clubs. I see other women on their snapchat who talk about how their uber eats driver or how a guy at a grocery store hits on them but this never ever happens for me and I just feel so ugly. I am forever alone ))))):

Problems circling my mind 2438

1) i have always been laughed at or made fun of for being a loner. I often go to movies or dinner alone. Im just too lazy to even ask if anyone wants to join me. They will either be busy, too lazy or have no cash. At this point, im used to being alone but that doesnt mean i like it. I have thought about being in a relationship but..

2) i have been single for the whole 20 years of my life. Im just too afraid to come out of the closet. I have thought about it countless of times but the first …view more

Young Teen with a Heart too Big to Go Around 2122

Since I’ve been in Highschool all of my Friends have gotten more and more stressed and I feel like I am pissing them off whenever I say a single sentence. But, my heart is just so big that I can’t help but try to help them with their issues in life.

But each day it’s getting harder and harder…. One of my close friends who lives around the country from me tried to kill herself, and I am so panicked. Everyone thinks I’m the smartest kid alive, I’m not, I cheat I lie… It’s getting harder and …view more

why can’t I tell anyone 1722

I went out with this girl in freshman year for about 6 months that was my first love. she broke up with me and i went into depression for a month. a year later a classmate brought it up again suddenly i was in love with her again we dated for about a week and I got scared because I saw a show the night before this girl said”we’ll either have to get married or i have to break his heart and i don’t wanna do either” and i didn’t wanna do either. after that i got more distant from her i would …view more

So how much does YOUR life suck! 2035

So if YOUR life really sucks,
*Do you drink or use drugs to try to ease the pain?
*Do you single out and or just hold a life long grudge towards those who abused you?
*Do you cut yourself to punish yourself because everyone treats you like a loser?
*Do you have bipolar disorder, depression, OCD, ADD?
*Did you miss out on all the best in life that everyone else takes for granted?
*Did you never have anything you really wanted and sometimes only what you needed, or got bailed out of a situation …view more

WTF is up with women?? 3144

Am i really that bad of a guy,

I got a good job, a nice car, a place to live, yet not flashing it to anyone. Yet every single fucking Woman I meet is intent on finding the absolute bottom feeding scum of society and claiming they are good person, They have no jobs, yet they are ‘in between work’, they play video games all day, because they are ‘creative’ they don’t drive because ‘mommy and daddy didn’t pay for my test’.

I got fucking news for you, the only in between work i get is weekends, …view more

Midget waxwork Gwen Stefani 2028

Ok, so I’m 30 and been single since feels like forever, and finally I meet a guy at my new job whom is just THE ONE prince charming, knight in shining armor riding in during the sunset and blah blah blah… oh — but it turns out he has three kids and a wife. Nice. So i’m just bumbling on, trying to resist from flirting, when the opportunity arises to meet said wife at the work party; now i’m imagining some baggy, mumsy type, maybe a bit fat and clingy. Well, turns out the lucky lady only looks …view more

I stop talking to female friends who get boyfriends 2236

I am so bitterly single, I cant abide hanging around with couples. I hate it when my female friends end up with boyfriends, and I dont speak to mates either once they get shacked up with girls. I’m so pissed off jealous and frustrated that I’ve been single for 2 years and yet everyone around me is settling down, it makes me sick. They’re better off not knowing me when I’m like this. I have loads of female friends because I’m a good mate, but not really the sort of guy you’d want to get deeper …view more

SHUT UP 3135

Oh my god, why bother even coming to the lecture if you’re just going to sit there and chatter every single time the lecturer opens his mouth? I know with your I.Q. of 7 it may be a bit over your head but please, shut the hell up!

Am I THAT GIRL? 3222

why is that i play up to all these things that guys look for in a girl and i still havent had a steady relatonship. I am happy with myself and most of the time not a total klutz but it just hasnt happened yet. Am i holding myself back?…whats wrong with me?

Lost friends 4032

Every single friend I’ve ever made bar 1, I’ve gradually lost touch with and I dont even feel that guilty about it :S Every time I move schools/work, I make new friends, then I move on and make no effort to keep hold. Maybe I’m just not meant to have friends. Why does that not worry me more?

Foods 3633

OMG why do servers in restaurants always come and ask if everything’s ok…just when you’ve taken a giant mouthful. Do they lie in wait for you to put the fork in your mouth then run on over? Every. Single. Time.

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