Posts Tagged With: sister

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What are sisters for really? 1916

First off, when I am talking about sisters, I do not mean the biological ones. I mean the ones that you make a lifelong commitment to, who are supposed to be there for you no matter what, and are supposed to know you so well. The sisters I am referring to are sorority sister. Now, don’t get me wrong, they have their moments, but lately, it seems like I am all by myself with no one to turn to an no one to talk to.
My big decided to leave the sorority, and it tore me apart. I lost my best …view more

Family drama 1524

So now my eldest sister is getting riled up because I said I’m done and I’m tired and done want any contact with my father or sister. They both where wrong it not hate that holding me its hurt I’m done trying to be a sister I’m done trying to be a daughter she’s coming in just now learning about this shit but I’m not going through this bullshit anymore who gave that bitch gas money who bought her shit out of the kindness of their heart and who bought her kids food because in her own words she …view more

Family gatherings.. 1920

I’m so tired of boring, same conversation, ranting gatherings with my closed-minded, small-town only, hate everything family. Every time I attend, I end up thinking “I am better than this” and am correct. The only thing that gets me there is my hot older sister, since we’ve been sexually messing around for years. In fact, whenever I tell her I want to bail on going to something, she uses sex to get me there. Even yesterday, I wanted to not go, but, hot older sister kept offering to wear what I …view more

Bitch of a sister 1726

Not only do you want to hit your sonata threaten both of our nephews and not slap smack or swat but punch your son multiple times within three different intervals but you want to tell our grandmom that sometimes kids need to be punched and not because he was being rude or wrong to you but because he wants to talk to his cousins and mention that a shirt that his cousin is wearing looks like his. And you’ve got the balls to say my mother was abusive bitch get the fuck of of here my mother never …view more

Support me atleast.. 3437

I basically just got a scold from my mom. I never understand my parents, they can’t just depends on me for their whole life. Two thousand fifteen wasn’t my best year and I could call it the second worst year. I had been my sister’s babysitter this whole year. My parents said they can’t depend on my brother since he just sleep around. They could’ve scold him. They are parents, they have the rights to scold him.

Two thousand sixteen, I wanted to join a boarding school. My parents won’t let me. …view more

My sister 2537

Im so tired of my sister saying I stole her stuff.
I don’t keep track of what is hers. Shes really freaking out over fucking makeup brushes and a pair of shorts that ended up in my laundry and these bracelets I never knew were hers.
Its bad enough I don’t think my mom truly accepts me for being transgender, but seriously?
I can’t transition or anything because every time I try to talk to my mom about it, she ends up going out somewhere when I actually get the courage to bring it up.
My sister …view more

Hot Older Sister.. 2033

I’ve been messing around and having sex with my hot older sister for years. Recently, we seem to be on an increase, as have been with her three of last four weekends, and stole one weekday last week. We’ve been trying new, wild, fetish-type things (her long nails, blindfolding, tying up), and may involve other people at some point. Mostly, we see it as “our thing” and can’t go more than a few days without having at each other. She stopped by my house on her way elsewhere two weekends ago, just …view more

Aggravating Sibling 2933

My younger sister knows exactly how to irritate me and is not afraid to, often injuring me in the process. If I were to pretend it doesn’t bother me, she will continue or try something else until I say it does. Once I do speak up she will only keep on doing it until I can’t stand it any longer and yell at her, resulting in her saying things like “Okay, okay,”"Just calm down,” and “Don’t be such a spaz,” in such an annoying, sarcastic tone that makes me want to freak out. I cannot do anything …view more

My Living Situation 2120

So I’m 16 and I moved out of my mom’s house a year ago because she couldn’t support us and she moved us into her boyfriend’s mom’s house, which was barely livable. I moved in with my sister and slept on the couch and lived with her for about 6 months, but I had to move out. Her husband is bipolar and is a huge asshole and I don’t even know why she is with him. I moved out because they fight all the time and I couldn’t handle it anymore. I moved into my best friends house (she still lives at …view more

Dear Facebook friends 2437

The 4,000 picture of you revealing your cleavage in the same angle? Not sexy. You’re trying too hard. Also, sister, your “sexy” pictures that I came upon when scrolling down? AWKWARD.

Little Sister? 1819

So I’ve been in kind of a bad place lately - I’ve been depressed, moody, bipolar, anxious, etc. So I was hanging out one afternoon with some of my sorority sisters including my Little and was feeling kind of down. Well they noticed and asked me what was wrong, so I started to tell him and they just rolled their eyes and scorned me for telling them all these problems over and over again without them getting better. They just wanted to hang out with me when I was happy. Some sisters, right? …view more

My sister the MOOCH 2423

My sister is the main reason I want to move out. My husband and I have been forced to live at home with my sweet mother and my sister, because of financial difficulties. Oh. My. Gosh. My sister is such a lazy, ungrateful mooch! She sits around all day watching netflix, cooking and then wasting food that someone else bought, and NEVER cleans up after herself. She hasn’t washed a dish in… what, YEARS? This morning I found a plate with bread crusts sitting ON THE COUCH right next to her “nest”, …view more

Whisper 2933

My sister, being her lazy self is sprawled across the couch, she than whispers something, me being in a completely different room, I can’t even hear anything over how loud she has the television. She than, literally, screams my name as if she was in pain, I run into the room panicking, thinking the worst, and she, in the most attitude filled voice I’ve ever heard in at least a week, tells me that we are having pizza for dinner, than calls me a moron, dismiss’ me with a wave of her hand. I …view more

Just my luck. 2427

So, I was visiting my mom this weekend, and we were having a pretty good time! Like, we hadn’t gotten along in awhile, and this weekend was pretty good. I got back home sunday, and when i got home, i found out my 1 year old sister died that morning. Lets see someone pass this shit up. Life fucking sucks right now. I’m the oldest of 6 other siblings, what the fuck and who the fuck do i get to talk to? I’m stuck “being strong” for them all. Like i said, life fucking sucks right now.

You’re both worthless piecce of trash 2836

Fuck you. You are a worthless piece of shit mother an I resent for all the shit you continually put me through. You think you are some great mother when in actuality all you ever do is treat me unfairly and try to guilt me. Honestly you are the example of how i shouldn’t raise my kids. I can’t wait in a year when that fucking cunt of a sister is all that you have left to help you and you realize what kind of shit parent you are honest. Honeslt both of you should just fuck off. You are both …view more

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