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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: stress

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Exercise/when you are fucking stressed 1215

Why the fuck does the sress hormone have anything to do with exercise when its supposed to fucking decrease stress. WTF is the fact that “stress decreases the bodies’ tendency to repair the sore tissues”
Whereas when you take antidepressants or do it with someone you like/ in a group, you fucking like it and it actually decreases your stress hormones!!! and even good ideas come into your head afterwards…….

What more do you want? 1919

I work my butt off to make sure everything works for you and I always help you when no one else will. Yet you give me the hardest time, really? What will you do if eventually I just get fed up with you treating me this way and walk away. I love what we do, but you make it so hard. Stop making me feel so guilty because I messed up a little. You’re seriously starting to just stress me out!

Aggravating Sibling 2227

My younger sister knows exactly how to irritate me and is not afraid to, often injuring me in the process. If I were to pretend it doesn’t bother me, she will continue or try something else until I say it does. Once I do speak up she will only keep on doing it until I can’t stand it any longer and yell at her, resulting in her saying things like “Okay, okay,”"Just calm down,” and “Don’t be such a spaz,” in such an annoying, sarcastic tone that makes me want to freak out. I cannot do anything …view more

streeeeeeeessss 1423

Jesus christ, I have such a gigantic workload. I’m taking 1.5 times a full time course load of upper division classes. This is my first semester at this university. I’m also filling out a long and complicated application for a masters degree program. People keep saying it will be worse once I’m in the program. I have a fucking ton of work to do, and then I will be caught up. This is all a lot harder than I imagined in terms of time management. My house is a fucking mess. I’ve been having …view more

Fucking school. 2318

Wow, I’m so glad i just found this website. For the past hour or so I’ve been crying about school. Today was a stressful day because I’m worrying about my grades slipping (yes, i’m one of those people) and everything was just so hard. Everything I’ve been looking forward to these past three weeks have all been canceled so I literally have nothing to motivate me to get me through. I tried talking to my mother about my stress and she said “it’s for the best”. She doesn’t understand. The only …view more

Seriously, there’s plenty to do. 3828

What the FUCK!!
Apparently, “I don’t want to send my kids to daycare so I need to stop working and stay at home with the baby.” really means, “I wanna sit around and play games on Facebook all day while you earn a living to support us, clean the house, do the yardwork, walk the dog, and everything else that needs to be done around here.”
Sure, I get that you spend your day with the baby, feed him and then put him down for naps. But if he’s going to take 2 hour naps twice a day, maybe you could …view more

I wish I was little again!! 1928

My life is all kinds of stressful and hectic right now!! I wish it would just go back to the way it was! I want to be 16 again without a care in the world. Running around with friends, thinking we were invincible and the world was our oyster! But I know thats not going to happen so I must figure out how to deal with it the way it is. But its just so damn hard! I hate being tossed into the “grownup” world, they really don’t prepare you for anything!! I don’t feel like anything is secure in my …view more

opinionated much? 2427

I’m starting to believe my open personality is getting the best of me. I used to be quiet and shy up until high school, but it all seriously started seeming like it was most out of hand when I went my own way in college. I’m just getting this feeling that I’m to honest with people or let things get to the best of me. I know everyone has their moments where they do stupid things or have bad judgment’s. I mean even I do myself, but in the end I think that my opinions and what I thought were …view more

argh 2324

i hate school
i am sopposed to be talented but i hate school the stress has been enough to give me
genrilized anxiety disorder

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