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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: stressed

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26 year old asshole 1319

I’m 26 years old and I feel like I’ve wasted my life. Straight out of HS I started a media business with 4 of my closest friends. At first it was amazing. We even expanded. We made pretty good money. Better than most in our generation. I dedicated all my time to it…I was addicted to that feeling of success like I made something of myself, but I think I also did it because it meant I got to spend time with one of the other cofounders. I never really cared about relationships, and I never really …view more

fuck you parents 2930

my fucking parents
its all them
they dont give me any personal space, freedom, anything
they dont even beleive it when im depressed
or have an anxiety attack
or anything
if im stressed and crying they call me a crybaby
if i want to die and they hear me even mention it or whisper somthing or seem expecially different my mom …view more

What is life 1814

Ok, but what the fuck, I am so stressed out right now. I’m in love with a guy I may never ever be with, I’m trying to find a job but getting NO callbacks, I’m running out of money in my bank account, I’m a month from graduating and this is where I’m supposed to start my life, my mom treats me like shit, I feel like I don’t have any real friends, and last but not least the Blackhawks keep fucking losing. This is the most stressed I’ve ever been in my life, I want to shoot myself in the foot. …view more

I hate Junior High. 2135

it is only the first semester of school and I’m already stressed out. i have put so much pressure on myself that not even and 85% is good anymore. I feel horrible and anxious all the time. I also feel ugly. Im either too tall and skinny or I feel small and fat. And if i try and tell anyone that they laugh. As if i can’t feel fat. ITS UNFAIR. And why do all the girls my age have to be so so STUPID. Who do they think the are? Im sick of comparing myself to them all the time. Im also sicks of not …view more

Young Teen with a Heart too Big to Go Around 2122

Since I’ve been in Highschool all of my Friends have gotten more and more stressed and I feel like I am pissing them off whenever I say a single sentence. But, my heart is just so big that I can’t help but try to help them with their issues in life.

But each day it’s getting harder and harder…. One of my close friends who lives around the country from me tried to kill herself, and I am so panicked. Everyone thinks I’m the smartest kid alive, I’m not, I cheat I lie… It’s getting harder and …view more

Never Good Enough 1234

I just feel like i am NEVER ever good enough. Whatever it is I do - whether it’s school work, running, how i look, how i present myself or just anything in general. I feel like i work so hard for many things and nothing good ever happens or i don’t get enough credit or people don’t realise how hard i am trying to be the best i can be. I just wish for once people would be thankful- especially in group projects and I’m just so stressed out right now.


I feel so alone… my friends are all realy busy or well enough for me to dump my problems on them… My BF..(hmm,,) has been sort of distancing him self from me. no more “how was work?” “are you okay?” “can i come see you next week?” … always waiting for me to text him first…
i dont know what to do.. i’m stressed out with stuff for university, and he hasnt even tried to calm me down. told him about getting an interveiw to my FIRST choice uni… not even a well done.. i bet he forgets about my first …view more

FINALS. 2723

OMFG. I HATE MY LIFE. i have chem n precalc finals tomorrow, neither of which i am doing well in. if i dnt get an 80 in precalc im gonna get a C!! im really stressed and idk what im doing in either of those classes.

Maximum Stress - I needed to Rant Somewhere 2423

I don’t usually post problems or even tell anyone about them but I feel like my head is going to explode.

I had to serve a year in prison for a marijuana charge when driving through a bible belt state. This is where it all really begins. FYI I have had jobs since I was 12 and have been a productive and upstanding citizen, have an associates and two bachelor degrees and am a homeowner and pull my weight in life working usually 50+ hours a week.

I became unemployed shortly before this happened …view more

Advice for an advice giver? 3241

Well… I mean there’s always a lot of tension in people lives especially being young like myself living the college life..but I’m always the person that my friends come to for advice, as much as I love to lend an ear it kinda bothers me with one of my friends…I’ve known her for awhile and we’ve had our tiffs, but in the end I don’t think she really listens. I understand advice is a word of opinion to help guide you, but when your constantly going to someone with the same questions after you …view more

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