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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: suicidal

Your search returned 8 results.
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my mental health 1127

I honestly doubt anyone will read something this long, but here we go anyways. I don’t want this post to be a cry for attention or anything, but I need to rant so fucking badly.

I’m not self-diagnosing because I honestly think that you should go to the doctor and figure it out with them, but I think I have anxiety, am suicidal and depressed. I’m not sure if depression fits in with being suicidal or vice-versa, but I listed both because I want to be sure. I’m also not sure if suicidal is only …view more

Not all friendships work out 1718

Had this online friend. She’s mentally unstable and very suicidal. She has posted multiple times on social media of her constant attempts despite repeatedly promising she will get help. I called her out for her broken promises on her last post about it saying she “will get help if she lives” (as I know she won’t) and I honestly wanted to say more (but didn’t) on her bullshit on how she doesn’t care about her girlfriend or her friends. She told me to “get off her back” and we haven’t talked …view more

Thoughts 2828

I keep having suicidal thoughts, but I don’t to tell anyone, because I’m afraid that they’ll think I’m making it up/pitying myself, but I’m not. I don’t really WANT to kill myself, but I keep having these unwanted thoughts. I’m on Skype with my best friend and I told her I am feeling like crap, but I would appreciate an ‘Are you okay?’ just so I could say “No”, and I could explain it easily. I don’t know why I keep having these thoughts; I’m afraid I’m depressed.

I’ve told(ish) my family that …view more

I ruined my life as a child when I chose to follow my mom and her new husband 2631

I feel so sick of myself right now. I am always sad, depressed, or unhappy in general because of what I’ve done…the icon I chose for this post does not yet express a fraction of the helplessness and despair that I feel. If you’ll bother to read my story, then I’ll thank you beforehand for having the patience to put up with the sad, sad person I am right now.

First off I have two younger siblings. One who shares a father with me, the other who is my half-brother from my mom and my stepdad. The …view more

Frustrated 2031

Sometimes it’s like, what’s the point? What’s the point in my life anymore.
I don’t want to live anymore. I don’t wanna suffer this overwhelming pain in my heart, the headaches, the regrets, the sadness… I just can’t stand life or myself. And it’s the fact I’m so fucked up, depressed and suicidal that’s frustrating because I act like everything’s fine. I smile, laugh, make jokes, hangout at times… Act as if there’s NOTHING wrong at all. Then sometimes I just wonder what they’ll think of me when …view more

I just want to end my life. 1521

i did something stupid, but my boyfriend did something even worst. she didn’t lock his phone and his mum found out that we had sex. so my mum knows too. having a religious mum, she made me go to religious classes and if i don’t attend them, i have to quit school. I hate this. i don’t find a use. i want to study, leave this home i call prison, and just migrate to austrailia. my parents told everybody and now i’m all alone. i told my trustworthy friend what happened, she gave me support, but i’m …view more

Je suis tombeé 2125

People I love worry about me. They think I’m depressed, sick, suicidal even.
I tell them I’m fine.
I hate lying to them.
I lie so they won’t hate me for being so weak.
Why am I so pitiful, unable to tell someone to their face I might need help? I can only stand behind this mask, and yell it out to the unknown masses.
Do you think I’m weak?

suicidal boyfriend 2327

i am a forum regular
i was gonna put this up but my bf has an account so he would see if i made this in the forums so i thought i would do it here instead.

okay iv know my fella about 2 months, we have been together nearly a month, & in total he has slashed himself 3 times.

his chest is scarred, his arms, his face & im scared that one of these days he is going to end up in hospital or even worse.

i know im not one to talk because i have relapses every now & again, but im not depressed & that …view more

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