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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: talking

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What are sisters for really? 1414

First off, when I am talking about sisters, I do not mean the biological ones. I mean the ones that you make a lifelong commitment to, who are supposed to be there for you no matter what, and are supposed to know you so well. The sisters I am referring to are sorority sister. Now, don’t get me wrong, they have their moments, but lately, it seems like I am all by myself with no one to turn to an no one to talk to.
My big decided to leave the sorority, and it tore me apart. I lost my best …view more

idiot friend 1432

i tried to relapse last night and today i told my friend and she got mad at me for not talking to her then. All i wanted to do then was hurt myself, but now i’m mad at myself for not trying to get help like i should have. So now i feel like a jerk for not telling her how i felt. I totally hate this. I need someone who will tell me it’s okay and tell me to talk to them next time if i can, not someone who will get mad for me not telling them the first time. And i know she would get annoyed if i …view more

Extreme loneliness 1017

I’m so alone that I’ve started talking to myself just so I use my/hear a voice for a few seconds a day

Fuck love I hate myself 1924

for some reason i fall in love with her in my first sight. She is just a random girl I saw in a coffee shop. I got her LINE ID, I thought she was giving a sign for us to be able to keep in touch because she did not just go quickly after talking with her client. I who close my heart tightly, blown away by the smile and the beauty of her. how many monsths since i felt like this? long time ago, but this is greater. i feel not want to lose her. i love her, but do I love her?. my logic is being …view more

My so called “best ” friend 2022

I have recently told my friend that i’m gray sexual which basically means i have low sex drive so today they were talking about how their boyfriend kissed them. I then said i am going to be forever alone and then they said “too gray sexual for you” . I know its not that big of a deal but I am actually offended by it.

fucking stupid love 1921

ex boyfriend and me just started talking again, still love him dearly, we both still have strong feelings for each other, but are hesitating to go back to a relationship as he is heading overseas for 1 and a half years, im studying at university. I love him and care or him dearly but I would be happy just staying friends because he really is an amazing guy. He’s stressed and flustered and very confused ( as am I) and im scared he will just cut off all contact with me whatsoever or just last …view more

Talking Shit 2228

Please tell me I’m not alone when I say this, but isn’t it annoying when someone constantly just talk shit about someone you care about? Like what the hell, you know I love and care about this person, you telling me about them in a bad, no shit I’m going to tell them! Ex. so this one girl whom I’m sorta friends with keeps talking shit about someone I love and care for, constantly calling them an asshole and crap…… I’m so close to just pushing her into a fucking ditch, she won’t stop talking bad …view more

Self Harm 2323

My friend is self harming like crazy. i have told teachers and her parents even know. i called her tonight to let her know how much i love her and how much i care for her and if anything ever happened i wouldnt know what to do. i started talking to her about it and she started arguing with me about how no one cares for her and she doesnt even care for herself. how can you not love about yourself? especially in her, she has so many good qualities and yet she still believes that nobody cares …view more

oh my god 2528

i just wanna rant about my best friend . she goes on my account alot on facebook and then messed thiaged people so she messaged this guy that this other guy who is my friend was talking shit about him and he was about to beat him up because he thought it was true but really she was just lying. then the next day the guy said that i told him and he wants to beat my friend up but i had no idea what he was talking about so then my bestie pulled me away and told me what she did. then she ran there …view more

complicated love or just being confused 2128

So I met this guy a few years ago but it didn’t go anywhere since he had a bf and I felt guilty cheating with him (even though he was on a sex app) Last year we ended up talking again, after he broke up with his boyfriend.
We have similar tastes, interests and things we like to do in bed.
Anyways, I grew to like him a lot after a while (after the sex and the friend talk we had. He helped me stay on after recent problems with my grandfather and a previous relationship).
We talked and …view more

Same name problems 1125

It sucks having the same first name as one of the popular girls in school. People always say *name here*’s so pretty! I always hope they’re talking about me, but of course they’re talking about the girl who has the same name as me… this obviously brings my self esteem down.

Oh my god you annoying prick 1535

So for the most part I love my friends but I can’t stand how if it doesn’t resolve around them it isn’t worth talking about. Ummmm no! You don’t actually have to hang out with me you dumb cunts! Like stop being assholes and fucking tell me you don’t want me around or you don’t want to hang out. Like no it’s not some big ass deal to me, I’m not going to stop being your friend and I’m not going to stop talking to you. I’d rather you be real with me and we’ll figure it out from there.

Ex-Bestfriend. 2315

You’re always talking shit about how people should “tag others in a status when they make it about them”.. && then when all that shit went down on twitter.. you said it was stupid of that person to post tweets about me without me knowing.. YET, you KNOW I dont have a twitter anymore.. && you go && post a tweet about me? Yeah, thats real mature. Maybe you should take advice from yourself at one point && not be a pussy. GAHHH.

i fucking hate you 1826

i never fucking called you a fucking slut. i don’t want to talk to you, so what? because of you my best friend isn’t talking to me. because of you, all I can think about it the pain i get in my body when i step in the same room as you and your minions. because of you, i feel like fucking killing myself.

I hate changes. 1728

Don’t really know where to start with this rant. I guess really what’s pissed me off is a culmination of things trailing back six months at least, when my parents stopped talking completely. This is one of the few changes in my life that I handle pretty well because it happens a lot. But this time it’s totally different. Because this time, well it really is the end. My mum has said time and time again that she was going to leave my emotionally crippling father but she never seems to and I’ve …view more

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