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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: things

Your search returned 27 results.
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Slut ass bitch friend 1634

Sooooo let me start from the semi-beginning. One of my best friends, lets just call her slut friend, was in a relationship. It was pretty long then they broke up and because she’s “hurt” and things were “complicated” she’s on this fuck guys movement basically where she doesn’t want relationships and just fucks whoever. Mind you she cheated on her ex-boyfriend and even when he wanted to forgive her and make it work she was like nah but I digress. So me, slut friend and another friend (she’ll be …view more

To everyone(not really) 1019

I’ve been struggling with this problem for maybe even for five years now. It’s gotten to the point now that I am paranoid, though it is partially my fault. It just puzzles me how something so insignificant, something so small and different can be life-changing for them. Hell, I don’t even see it when i look in the mirror at myself everyday. I don’t see this horrible person looking back at me, no. All I see is me, looking back calmly at myself. However, many things that have happened contradict …view more

What am I worth? 2133

I keep fucking up my life and i can never forgive myself. I’m such an emotional person and i get emotionally attached and because of that I do things i regret to feel like I’m worth something when in in the end it just makes me feel less and less about myself. I feel so alone, even though i’m surrounded by people who i know love me. I have family, but I don’t know what family is. I have friends, but they all leave me thinking everything is fine. I have myself, but I’m the person I hate the …view more

Dear Mother-in-Law 1426

Dear Mother-in-law,

Thank you.

Thank you for being you.

I used to love you. I used to think, “wow. I wish I could be a great mother and wife like her.” I used to wish you were my mother. Now you’re just a nightmare that won’t end. You used to say nice things to me. I always felt better when you were around. But then you changed. You called me names. You gave me the cold shoulder. Then I never saw you again.

Thanks to you, my 5 year …view more

Call Him Bae One More Time 1218

The way she talks to him makes me think she’s in a secret relationship with the guy I’ve been seeing. It might just be my over-analyzing, jealous brain making things up, but sometimes I just want to smack her and tell her to shut the fuck up.

Boss Rant 1735

Just need to get this out so I can continue my day. I work alone at a business where my boss is in another city. They pay the bills for everything to run here but I take care of everything. My boss keeps paying things late and I have to be the one to apologize to vendors and clients, and he won’t take responsibility and it pisses me off. We get deliveries of a certain product monthly that must be paid monthly, and this is the second month it wasn’t paid and I didn’t get my delivery (which I …view more

Fuck It, Here Goes 1134

I don’t know anymore. This is going to be very long. I am fucking angry. I’m angry at you, at myself, at existence. At being. I don’t know why, exactly. I can’t pinpoint it. There are myriad tiny, trivial things. I feel like my life has surpassed simple hilarity and moved into the realm of the pathetic. It’s not that I’m overweight. It’s not that I’m ugly. It’s not that I lack confidence. It’s that none of these things matter.

I see people post things online who complain they are fat, or …view more

complicated love or just being confused 2128

So I met this guy a few years ago but it didn’t go anywhere since he had a bf and I felt guilty cheating with him (even though he was on a sex app) Last year we ended up talking again, after he broke up with his boyfriend.
We have similar tastes, interests and things we like to do in bed.
Anyways, I grew to like him a lot after a while (after the sex and the friend talk we had. He helped me stay on after recent problems with my grandfather and a previous relationship).
We talked and …view more

I feel empty and sick all at once. 2022

I didn’t realize today was going to turn out like it has. I’m fbally in a good place with my life, working hard and getting things done. Sure, I don’t trust my brother, and I don’t want to be in the same room as him. I didn’t realize how angry with him I was until today. He used to tease me and yeah, sibling stuff, the eight months ago it got bad, I’ve been bruised, told that what I wanted to do with my life was useless, and now I’m scared of him. I’m angry that I’m scared of him. I’m taller, …view more

Fuck you life you foul dirty whore. 1632

I don’t know what I did. I’ve always been a good person. So what I don’t follow the most common trends of society. I’m myself and I like it that way. You don’t like that? Piss off. I have better things to do than worry about you and your cheating, lying, manipulative, dumb ass. I gave her everything and more and she turns around and fucks some other guy who is the biggest piece of shit on the planet. Not even 19 and you already have a criminal record? Can’t even stay in your own house without …view more

I… I don’t know what to do anymore…. 1617

why won’t you sleep with me?!!?! Ok i have done everything for you, and have shown that i want to be with you. You tell me stories of times you made out with friends, of all your ex’s and still, i can put up with it. But if you are willing to all kinds of things with them, then is there something wrong with me? I do anything and everything you want but you won’t let me touch you and any manner. I want to cry, quit and just leave. I feel that you don’t want to be with me; that you just want me …view more


In the grand scheme of things everyone has a defense or a reason AND IS INNOCENT behind their psychopathic behavior, but you STILL HAVE TO LOOK OUT FOR YOURSELF!!!


Let me tell you about this redheaded bitch. We will call her miss fuckalot.

Miss Fuckalot, loved to fuck, she had hooked up with so many guys that she can’t even remember, PROBABLY LIKE A LOT OF PEOPLE LOOKING BACK AT IT.

When I first saw here my heart melted. I could even …view more

Struggling With Futility 1737

I’m struggling with the feeling of utter futility with my music. I’ve been making it for 20 years, and sharing it, and doing most things right, people hear it and emphatically let me know it’s amazing, and yet, I put a video on youtube and get all of 7 views. It’s just pathetic. It’s really pointless. And yet I do all the things, make the videos, update my facebook, blog posts, press pictures, send outs… WHY?! NO ONE CARES. NO ONE FUCKING CARES ABOUT MY MUSIC. So it’s your dream? Follow your …view more

I Kinda Hate Myself 1920

I don?t know if I?m gay, but i know I?m not straight and i guess this not knowing what to call myself ( amongst so many other things, including the fact that my friendship group of 10 years has only ever seen me as straight, the fact that for some reason the word ?lesbian? has always seemed to be the one chosen for teasing me and i?ve always laughed it off?as well as some cowardice) is the reason for my failing to come out. I don?t know what to come out AS. Any time i?ve thought i was attracted …view more

Why Are You ALWAYS There? 2030

I can’t take it. I am alright with being friends, but is it too much to ask to want to be alone every now and again. I see you all the time. Must you really attach yourself to the few things I do with out you. Must you really belittle me for trying to spend some time away from you. I work with you, I have class with you, and I live with you. Spending a few evenings a week somewhere else is quite the opposite of never seeing you. Why must you copy my class schedule, follow me everywhere, …view more

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