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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: thinks

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my mum says my best friend is making me depressed but she’s not she also says oh she’s so bad keep away from her it’s all fake but I have a completely different school life as to what my mum thinks, and she should fuck off and let me have my friends. She’s not helping.

my story 1919

I’ve got a fucking school that thinks I’m a dangerous son of a bitch who is going to walk into a fucking school and shoot people. well I’ve got news for them I don’t ever want to do that okay I’m not a dangerous person they treated me unfairly and I’m pissed off about it so what. well turns out I’ve got court on the third next month because of this whole mess and I’m only 13 so go figure. I’ve done nothing wrong so why treat me like a criminal? because apparently troubled kids who have ADHD or …view more

Contaminated 1424

I just told my boyfriend that the person I tried to sleep with ( but failed as neither of us were into it) is now one of my best friends, someone he’s met. And although it was fine before he knew who it was, he now thinks he can’t be with me. He’s the first person to convince me I’m not damaged and disgusting. I just want to finally escape the past and if he can no longer convince me that’s possible, I only see one other way. I’m so trapped.

!*@&^$*&@%& 00

This fucking bitch has been selling and spreading my personal information all over the fucking internet. She’s a psychotic raging bitch who’s trashy as hell. She thinks that everyone is against her and she judges everyone, even though she’s in no position to judge other people. This trashy as fuck bitch brags about stealing from other people and talks shit about everyone. God I wish she would fucking shut up and leave the country.

Antisocial Mom >.> 1827

My mom thinks I’m “self-centered” for making a history self-devised quiz. One of the questions was, “Which rabbi preserved Judaism?” and one of the answers was my full name (which, for security reasons, I won’t disclose in here). My mom said “How self-centered can you be!? You’re not an important historical figure!” I was just trying to be funny, because OBVIOUSLY I am not a rabbi and I did not preserve Judaism. My mom barely has any sense of humor, that’s why she has no social skills, and …view more

immature piece of shit 2022

you are a wannabe rockstar diva who can’t sing for worth a damn all of your songs sound alike (really lose the electronic stuff and get a real band) and you are a spoiled immature brat who thinks the world revolves around you NEWSFLASH it doesn’t and all of your little “fans” are either deaf, retarted or just come to your shows for a good laugh and btw if you do “make it” which i doubt you will end up being just a one hit wonder blip on the radar here one day gone tomorrow

Mom 2027

I fucking hate my mom!!! She is so fake and thinks she has it so well put together!!! HELLO MOM!! WE CAN FUCKING SEE WHAT YOU’RE REALLY THINKING!!!

Yeah so you hate your husband and want to go fuck an old fame, well don’t lie about it!! Get real and throw away your damn fake religion while your at it. It’s helped you be even more fake, everyone with their fake smiles and doing god’s will.


Oh and don’t pretend like your available to care for me, you are so split you …view more

lies in jealousy 3337

I lied about being in love with my best friend when i wasn’t. i did that just to make my ex feel jealous. and now my bff thinks it was real and she’s acting all weird and making me feel horrible. and some guy has a crush on me… and pressure…the whole world knows about him and me and keeps pressurizing me..why do i have to do anything right or wrong..its my life…why do u keep tellin me how to live it..oh n top of it all im a lesbian teen…nobody knows except for my bff and she’s acting all weird …view more

Stop being so concerned! 2224

Your a freak. You got that? A freak. Your like a stalker, except you haven’t quite gotten to the point of constantly observing my house. Or have you? Whatever, I don’t care. Just get the hell away from me and learn to stay away. I don’t like you like you think I do. I’ve told you that before. I don’t care what your delusional little mind thinks, I. Don’t. Like. You. I don’t like when you press up against me as we’re leaving class and walking in the halls. Yes, I know they’re crowded, but …view more

Stealing 2737

I steal things even though everyone thinks i’m too perfect to do it

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