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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: thought

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She doesn’t believe that I care 1813

I have a friend, best friend actually, that has recently come out and told me that she’s been feeling depressed a lot. At first I thought that our feelings would be the same, but hers are a bit more worse. Today she said that she was feeling really nervous about kids at school and how she thought that they didn’t like her. I proceeded to tell her about how a lot of people love her, including me, so she doesn’t have to worry that much. She only repsonded with okay. I told her that I loved her …view more

Fuck love I hate myself 1924

for some reason i fall in love with her in my first sight. She is just a random girl I saw in a coffee shop. I got her LINE ID, I thought she was giving a sign for us to be able to keep in touch because she did not just go quickly after talking with her client. I who close my heart tightly, blown away by the smile and the beauty of her. how many monsths since i felt like this? long time ago, but this is greater. i feel not want to lose her. i love her, but do I love her?. my logic is being …view more

Problems circling my mind 2438

1) i have always been laughed at or made fun of for being a loner. I often go to movies or dinner alone. Im just too lazy to even ask if anyone wants to join me. They will either be busy, too lazy or have no cash. At this point, im used to being alone but that doesnt mean i like it. I have thought about being in a relationship but..

2) i have been single for the whole 20 years of my life. Im just too afraid to come out of the closet. I have thought about it countless of times but the first …view more

oh my god 2528

i just wanna rant about my best friend . she goes on my account alot on facebook and then messed thiaged people so she messaged this guy that this other guy who is my friend was talking shit about him and he was about to beat him up because he thought it was true but really she was just lying. then the next day the guy said that i told him and he wants to beat my friend up but i had no idea what he was talking about so then my bestie pulled me away and told me what she did. then she ran there …view more

Institutionalized 1718

I never have felt truly violated before… not until I was sent to a behavioral institute. To be treated less than human, to be prodded and poked, to be thought out to be something less than what I am… that is the most excruciating pain I have ever felt in my existence. When I felt uncomfortable with speaking about a very sensitive topic ( not dealing with the reason of my admittance) , they thought me suicidal or extremely disturbed. I was thought of as an incapable creature… something that …view more



Ok seriously fuck off… 2325

Sorry dad, that you come into my room bombarding first of all my space & privacy to ask me stupid questions about your parents. It’s 1 in the morning. I don’t have the energy or thought process to even go over the questions your asking me. Like I told you what she said to me & what I said in return like is that not enough. If you want to know so bad go talk to your parents yourself. Get over it. What’s done is done. & it’s like sorry your wife doesn’t tell you everything & everything is like a …view more

So this is what I get… 1817

For taking you in in your time of need. When you were homeless and I had a spare room for you to stay in, so long as you paid rent and respected me. Little did I know, you didn’t feel the need to pay me your half. I thought 400 dollars was reasonable despite you treating me like shit, yelling at me, and calling me names. You know what? You’re a FUCKING DUMBASS! I did all of this for you and this is how you show that you are thankful? By blowing off RENT and TELLING ME that I should “just take …view more

Don’t care for me. 1426

Oh please. Don’t.

You’re not even my real Dad for the love of goodness.

So please do not care for me or try anything to make me like you.

I grew up without a dad and I don’t need one now.

So back the …view more

Look At How Much I?m Crying 2134

Asshole. You think I?m gonna cry, because you played my heart like a card? Ha! Think again, bastard. I don?t cry over players like you. I get over you in ONE FUCKING DAY.

He found out I liked him, and for 2 fucking months told me how beautiful and amazing he thought I was. Then I log on to Facebook one day to see that another female friend of his likes him, and he?s saying he likes her, too. He never even fucking told me we were over (not that we were ever official).

Cue me posting a pic of …view more

all this pay gap shit 2423

what the fuck are peoples problems with all this shit. “women should be paid more” “no men should be paid more” seriously… why the fuck… i thought all this male/female who is better ended in primary school. of course not.
take 1 man and 1 woman. each work at the same office on a same schedule. they should be paid evenly


Stop trying to upstage me asshole 2728

You go greet my table knowing they are regular good tippers n start telling them things on the menu then coming over to me n telling me their drink order….fuck u douche u were cut over an hour ago I told mgr what u did n he backed me up n u deserved me fukin screamin @ u in the kitchen b/c when I went 2 the dr.s tbl they said oh I thought asseymcdouche was our server…u fuckin shitbag…we all hate u…seriously the day u get fired,and u will,I will buy everyone at work a shot n we will spit in yur …view more

teachers don’t make good friends 1928

It is a good thing when people who you think are your friends piss you off. You can determine where you really stood with them. It gives clarity. To make a long story short: my bellydance teacher whom i thought was my friend was really just using me for my talents to get things for free. plus, she has treated my sweet husband like he is some sort of pariah. total dickishness. best part, i can’t tell her about how much i think she’s a dick right now because she is some fragile piece of pregnant …view more

So I know this douche bag. 3030

There’s this dude that I go to school with. I never hung out with him until this year, but I only hung out with him because we were both with one of my friends (a girl). I always thought he was a pretty cool dude. But then after hanging out with him a few times I realized how much of a douche bag he is.

I just thought I didn’t like him because he was trying to get in my friend’s pants but no…he really is a douche. I went to the movies with my friend (dude) and my other friend that douche was …view more

Assmunch 3542

…Why are you laughing at me? Did I do something amusing while exiting my car? No, I thought not. It’s like I’ve magically been transported back to the fun days of secondary school 0_o Grow up and fuck off back to your hideous yellow mini.

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