You’re always talking shit about how people should “tag others in a status when they make it about them”.. && then when all that shit went down on twitter.. you said it was stupid of that person to post tweets about me without me knowing.. YET, you KNOW I dont have a twitter anymore.. && you go && post a tweet about me? Yeah, thats real mature. Maybe you should take advice from yourself at one point && not be a pussy. GAHHH.
I hate it when girls do the whole #GURLGAMER;)) thing, or take a picture of them holding a controller and only play black ops, call of duty, or halo. Whenever I see a comment like that I just ask them what games they’ve played other than call of duty, halo, or black ops. If they got no others then I do not consider them a girl gamer =n= play some Minecraft, amnesia, dead space, legend of zelda, left for dead, or assassin’s creed. Play other things than just first person shooter military based
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Why the hell can’t people just come out and say what they really mean, rather than posting stupid, double meaning messages on facebook or twitter especially when you know it’s directed at you. If I’m annoying you, fucking say it. I’m not fucking stupid and I can’t be arsed with your immature attempt to be subliminal and sneaky while you post publically about what’s annoying you. Just get to fuck. It’s utter bullshit. I’m so sick of it. And then you’ll act like nothing happened and if I bring it
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facebook can suck it. i dont get what the big deal is. this goes for twitter too. my older sisters are always online for facebook and twitter. the oldest has lost nearly all connection with the outside world because she is tweeting. when she is happy, she tweets. when she is mad, she tweets. when she is bored, she tweets. when she is drunk, she tweets. it has happened before. the other sister is always kicking me off the computer for facebook because she needs to take care of her farmville. she
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