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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: understand

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Don’t care who this offends… 1527

Need to get this off my chest.

I know of the historical injustices faced by women and people of color. As a white male, apparently I don’t understand it but I try.

So now I’m in law school, top 15% of my class and I can’t get a job offer to save my life. I try so hard to tell myself that my hard work will pay off yet I am a few months from graduation with nothing and student loan payments coming due.

Yet I know (for a fact) that some “diverse” students in my class got picked up by big law …view more

Love . . . ? 1118

I hate the word love. I just don’t understand its meaning as everyone has a different opinion on what love is. I tell people who I enjoy being around, that I love them. I tell my best friend who I a guy - Bae. Yet however . . . I can’t say the word love to my family. Nor boyfriends or girlfriends. To them it feels that stating I love them - means something . . . else? I don’t know- I just feel that love is a hollow word with little purpose.

Angry CUS of skimp reading lmao 1923

Wtf, told you I’m sick, replied me “so what if you’re sick?” HELLO? I fking tried not to disturb you when you’re sick so you can have rest, you know I’m sick, and you came complaining to me about your Father again, for the same thing, cus he switch the tv volume high. Okay I understand, but wtf, just because I accidentally skipped certain of your messages doesn’t mean I won’t go back and read again, like hello, I did say oh I read wrongly, and you were like wtf you skimp read my message. NO …view more

sick of the bullshit 2232

I’m fat, and no I don’t want your pity. I just don’t understand why I can’t even get a fat girl to fucking like me. Everyone is all about looks first, personality second. Even the fat ugly ass bitches that preach about the idea that people should accept you for who you are, are going around just landing desperate, decent looking men. It’s fucking outrageous how hypocritical and fucking stupid women truly are. I bust my ass every mother fucking day and night. I’ve dieted on and off for 2 years, …view more

Get a goddamn brain 1927

I’ve never met a bigger piece of shit in my whole shitty goddamn existence. You never understand how you’re wrong or what you did to make me hate you. You bitch and moan all the time for no fucking reason. Excuse me you fuck but Im 100% sure that your life isn’t as hard as you want everyone to think it is. I don’t fucking pity you, I spit at you. I spit at your pathetic attempt to be a man or a father. You’re the only person I’ve ever met that I cannot read.
There is literally nothing going …view more


I hate it. You hate it. We all know the feeling. When our small group of our three closest friends, Me, my best friend and best guy friend became a couple and a plus one (the plus one is me), the two of them were too nice to tell me to go or to tell me not to be around them. I can’t stand it. They ditch me all the time, they go off and are with each other ALL THE TIME. Listen, I understand. I wouldn’t be as upset about it if they hung out alone more often, but at parties where I don’t know …view more

I hate when 1835

I hate when somebody cuts me off and says, “No, you don’t understand.”

When discussing politics, my friend cut me off and said, “No, You don’t understand because you haven’t taken economics. What we discussed in the class is that blah blah blah.” His argument was actually super simple and unintelligent, hmph!

Sometimes I hate my father so much. 2937

I understand him and can accept that he was raised in a different time, and that it’s just who he was raised to be…but it kills me inside. My father would rather me marry an abusive alcoholic white man than a loving and compassionate black man. I fear I will never be able to be happy and find love because I fear disappointing him.

They’re only “honest” when it’s convenient for them 2224

I hate my mom, even though her man’s “okay”.

People just don’t get it — she’s exactly the kind of person I hate and yet I still have to deal with her!!!

I’m 17 and she treats me like a kid, but when she want to vent or discuss some shit with me, all of a sudden it’s okay to pretend I’m an “adult” all of a sudden.

For the first time i my life, I have my own room and she refuses to leave it. Why can’t she understand that I-DON’T-LIKE-HER!!! She constantly tries to destroy my self esteem and …view more

You crazy ass hoe!! 2427

I am his freind!! I am NOT trying to take him from you! You need to get that through your head! I have known him a long ass time…longer than you knew he was alive! He has helped me through a lot and for that we are very close. I’m sorry if you don’t like it, but thats how it is! You don’t have to like me or even talk to me! But if you keep bitchin at me I will fight back and I will win!! But you need to understand that I am not trying to take him from you nor have I ever tried to so get over …view more

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