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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: upset

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Buckle your seatbelts, we’re in for a long ride. 1320

(warning: crap puns ahead)

if your into essays; this is the rant for you! damn, i have a lot to get off my chest.
first of all im such a jealous bitch, which embarrasses me so much. especially when someone my age is better at drawing, singing or writing (or all of them) than me, i feel like i have to live up to their standards and i’m angry at myself because i feel like i should be as good as they are, it basically makes me feel like crap. i’m quite talented at english but i dont really get …view more

My home situation 1530

Sometimes I just wish my mom would just shut up and leave me be she is so freaking annoying on Sundays when I ‘m just trying to catch a break. I just got back from a choir tour, wanted to relax and play some league of legends and now she bugging me on how I have to go out and do something. Are you kidding me? I just spend an entire March break on the road when I could’ve chosen to stay and just do homework and MAYBE play some stuff when my parents aren’t home. Do I need to lose weight? …view more

I dunno 2543

It bugs me how I have to go through life in some stupid routine until I die. I don’t even have a desire to live so why even try? I just wanna sleep forever. Can’t I do just that????

idk, i think i’m just delusional… -E 1722

is it me or am i a crazy girlfriend who gets jealous of my boyfriend hanging out with other girls? idk, i tend to get jealous to often bc my bf hangs around girls quite a bit. once he went to the mall with a bunch of (our friends/my girlfriends) and they started posting pics with eachother etc etc. and whenever i see them, i scroll past them after a bit turn off my phone and throw it on my bed. and not interact with my phone at all. it’ll still be on sometimes but i leave it along bc i feel so …view more

Frustrated 1622

The past month I’ve only had one weekend at home, and so last weekend I wanted to be able to stay home and asked my boyfriend to come over instead of me going to his. He complains the entire time that I don’t go to his enough (even though we normally do alterate weekends…) and so I make plans to see him. Can’t do the weekend because of deadlines, and I even cancelled a trip away that would have been really good for my future in part because of him. He then informs me that he is going away for …view more

Sick of 2632

Okay. First off, I do admit that I’m lazy and my mother has a right to get annoyed at me from time to time because of that trait. And second, I am aware that I’m very lucky for the opportunities I’ve been given from living in a first-world country.

But in all honesty, I am sick of my mother BITCHING about me when she thinks I can’t hear her. Like today for example. I made one tiny, little complain about bring the washing in. I said nothing on the subject afterward and brought it all in. I …view more

happy, i am not 2120

ive been by your side for 2 years, yet i still cant bare to leave your side
even when u cheated on me, more times then i can count i said it was nothing, and brushed it off.
i cant trust anyone, i cant trust you, yet i let you use me when ever you want. ive made it my soul mission to please you, and yet you cant even do the same for me…
and every time i want to talk to you i stop, and hold ever little peice of it in me. i feel myself goriwn farther away farther apart from you. we have nothing …view more

Had enough 2026

I just need to rant somewhere, and I figure somewhere anonymous is good. I’m sorry if you don’t want to read this but, I’m going to say it anyway. My best friend has started cutting again, and I’m about 2 hours away from him and can’t get to him easily, as he’s always busy. My boyfriend is having trouble with his ex, she’s lying to him and saying she wants to be with him, and it’s getting to him and therefore making me upset. I don’t quite know how to explain how I’m feeling but I’m just …view more

Ex 2031

After years of him being out of my life he comes back and makes life hell again. It makes me so upset and no matter how hard i try to forget him…i see him everywhere i go and get reminded all the time. It’s a living nightmare.

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