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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: wanted

Your search returned 18 results.
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idiot friend 1432

i tried to relapse last night and today i told my friend and she got mad at me for not talking to her then. All i wanted to do then was hurt myself, but now i’m mad at myself for not trying to get help like i should have. So now i feel like a jerk for not telling her how i felt. I totally hate this. I need someone who will tell me it’s okay and tell me to talk to them next time if i can, not someone who will get mad for me not telling them the first time. And i know she would get annoyed if i …view more

self harm and lonelyness 1229

ive been wanted to self harm again and id tell one of my friends so they know but all of them ether dont care or they think im looking for attention when i tell them how i feel. I have no one to go to anymore. it really sucks. Im more lonely then ive been in a long time.

You broke me. 2633

I am done with you. We were friends, at one stage we both wanted to be more. Time passed and you moved on, understandable for our situation, but to completely CUT me off? It’s not fair and you know it. Then when you and HER… broke up you came crawling back to me looking for advice and you know what I said to you? I told you that even though she doesn’t want to be with you, that you should try and make it work and prove yourself to her. I talked to you about my problems and you helped, a lot. …view more

how do i tell him how i feel without scaring him off completely? 1829

So i have been in love with this guy fro almost a year now and i have told him how i feel but i still don’t know how he feels about me and like he was dating this girl and they broke up so i was obviously happy until i talked to him and realized how much he cared about her but he sent me this message
“I just wish I could find some one that cared as much as i would about them…”
and like it was my chance to tell him how stupid and blind he was being i wanted to yell at him and make him feel …view more

“Do I have to?” 2018

Title says it all…I’ve been literally forced to study for some useless topic that’s never ever EVER in a billion years going to be useful in any way, shape or form to me…And that’s exactly the last thing I wanted to see happen in my life: school taking over my free time! I’ve already suffered enough in school, why do I now have to suffer more? Is this really what life is all about? School, work then the retirement house when you’re too old and senile? Even though I find solace in games, such …view more

I feel empty and sick all at once. 2022

I didn’t realize today was going to turn out like it has. I’m fbally in a good place with my life, working hard and getting things done. Sure, I don’t trust my brother, and I don’t want to be in the same room as him. I didn’t realize how angry with him I was until today. He used to tease me and yeah, sibling stuff, the eight months ago it got bad, I’ve been bruised, told that what I wanted to do with my life was useless, and now I’m scared of him. I’m angry that I’m scared of him. I’m taller, …view more

Cold turkey 2036

I’ve been addicted to hydrocodone for about a year today I decided to quit cold turkey guess I wanted to shout in the dark that I’m finally tired of getting high and want to actually do something with my life.


that’s three of my friends who either have attempted suicide, held a razor in their hand for their wrists, or just plain out wanted to to kill herself because her friend didn’t want to talk to her anymore.
in addition to all the fucking crap i have in my life, i have to go and be their goddamn psychiatrist and convince them that they shouldn’t fucking take their life.
i don’t know where i’d be with my family or friends, so you can imagine the fucking trainwreck i am at this fucking state.
i …view more

I’m angry with myself, confused and upset! 2021

I met a guy who i got on really well with it, in fact before we went out on a date, i told my friend that i have gotten on with someone so much ever before, we went out a few times, I stayed at his place and all.. Now after that for two weeks we couldn’t meet up but we both had expressed how much we wanted to see each other, I made a massive effort to see him and he cancels last minute. Now since then which is a week and a half ago, he’s become really bad at texting me back and left it a whole …view more

Fuck Parents… 2440

Yeah, sometimes life fucks you over with your parents. My biological dad is shit. He never wanted anything to do with me. My ex-step dad is also shit. He was abusive before he got kicked out. If he tried shit like that now, since I’m 18 and I work out, and he’s 40 something and fat, I’d kick his fucking ass. My mom tries sometimes but she got messed up by the abuse and divorce and she’s stuck in the same rut as before but too fuckin blind to see it. Not to mention her mom’s the exact same way, …view more


All I’ve wanted since the first time we met was to be the one to make you happy. You helped me through hell and a friendship grew. I’ve been sick for years, you made me want to heal. But I’m getting sick again. You can’t save me, you can’t help me. When I see you happy, I hurt. It’s unhealthy. I really don’t know what to do. I love you on some level but it intensifies when I’m around you. I disgust myself. If I was where I wanted to be, maybe you could love me. I will work harder and you will …view more

Deserving, in a world of karmatic injustice. 2131

I’m afraid that I’ll be alone for the rest of my life. Perhaps some of us are meant to be alone, I feel like one of them. All I’ve ever wanted, was a family of my own, to gain the chance to have a loving wife, and a child that I will never neglect, like my father neglected me. I want a family more than anything, and everyday that passes, I feel more alone, seemingly punished…as I watch a world full of undeserving people throw away their gifts, I only wish I could have a gift of my own. :(

Friends 1627

Lately my friends have not really been…well my friends. I was asked if I wanted to go somewhere today and then never heard anything back from anybody. I even cleared up all my plans for tonight just so I could hand with them. Show’s how much I’m wanted…

Stupid Boy! 3538

So there’s this boy that I used to kinda like. In August, I sent him a message saying I kinda liked him, but wanted to know if it was worth my time, and he said no, so I was fine. Then he started kinda being an ass, and I forgot why I liked him.
Then today, we had to go to something for chorus, so I got a ride with him, and we were the only ones in the car. It was SO fun! I remembered why I had kinda had a crush on him: he’s fun, goofy, quirky, and nice.
And then we were around the handful of …view more

Friends. 2541

I bailed on my friends birthday. Long story, but I don’t have any ID, and she wanted to go out clubbing. I didnt want to get refused into places (and then for everyone else to not be able to go in too) so I told her I was ill. I was trying to make sure she had a good birthday. She later saw me… clearly not ill. And now refuses to talk to me because ‘I’m a lying whore’.. slightly melodramatic I thought.
Apparently I’m not the same person since I got with someone, and she thinks I’m ‘always’ …view more

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