No, my husband does not want to “have lunch” with you and your boring family, no matter how many times you ask.
And in case you were wondering, it has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with how horribly you treated him. And yes, you DID treat him horribly, no matter how many times you try to tell yourself that nothing was ever your fault and you’re innocent of any wrongdoing.
He’s not one to hold onto grudges and ill-will, which is the only reason he even talks to you at all, but
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Going on 9 years of knowing you (freshman English in high school, yes?) and even though we talk regularly, maybe even daily, I miss you. Haven’t seen you in person in… two years? I wish you’d said something sooner and not waited until I had been with him for over a year. And then disappeared the second you told me. Because I think we would have been really great together. Maybe we still can be? I’m still with him, and I think you hate that, especially after how he treated me in the beginning.
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Part of me wants him to like me, and part of me really wants him to be totally oblivious so that i don’t have to think about being in a relationship again. I don’t want to have to worry about anyone again. Only myself. I’m tired of it. I was tired of having to deal with always wondering what’s going on in Mike’s head, and now, now my brain and heart want to take that on again? It’s bad enough that i’m crushing on him, but seriously… wth. I’m masochistic or something.
But i like him. He has
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The entire human race hasn’t got a fucking clue why they exist and is just pandering to their basic desires until they finally die. Am I the only one who is wondering what the fuck is going on on planet earth..? Not one person out there can give me a valid reason for my existence on this lonely little rock aside from to create some mini-mes so they can grow up to be fucking clueless too. I feel like i’m tied to the mast of a ship with no captain or crew going round in circles. Am I the only one
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