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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: work

Your search returned 18 results.
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stupid roommate 3233

i don’t care that you’re an asshole who kicked me and hit me when you were drunk, but for the love of god, why do you have to eat the crunchiest combination of foods - rice cakes, crunchy peanut butter, and apples - while I’m working on a very important job application!! get the fuck away D’:

p.s., not that you’d know because your parents pay your rent and you haven’t done a proper day’s work this whole year >:(

26 year old asshole 1723

I’m 26 years old and I feel like I’ve wasted my life. Straight out of HS I started a media business with 4 of my closest friends. At first it was amazing. We even expanded. We made pretty good money. Better than most in our generation. I dedicated all my time to it…I was addicted to that feeling of success like I made something of myself, but I think I also did it because it meant I got to spend time with one of the other cofounders. I never really cared about relationships, and I never really …view more

I got chewed out at work. I thought I was doing really well. 2022

I’m working in a vet office as a receptionist. I like to think of myself as super diligent and having a “get shit done” attitude with a bright disposition. Don’t you worry: this is not a “bow to me I’m amazing” post. Ohhh no. Apparently I was all wrong about that. My manager is “not impressed”. So much so that he had the audacity to say that he doesn’t think I want to be here. Mind you, I can’t not be nice to people. I’m not saying this to be cocky or full of myself at all. I have pretty low …view more

Never Good Enough 1539

I just feel like i am NEVER ever good enough. Whatever it is I do - whether it’s school work, running, how i look, how i present myself or just anything in general. I feel like i work so hard for many things and nothing good ever happens or i don’t get enough credit or people don’t realise how hard i am trying to be the best i can be. I just wish for once people would be thankful- especially in group projects and I’m just so stressed out right now.

All-Caps Yelling 2231



Wtf 2428

3 fucking rental houses in one day we are buring bridges faster then a fucking flamethrower, wtf being cheap is costing you more.

I hate my job and my husband 2332

I quit my job five years ago to go back to school and took a job working in my hubby’s office. I have since graduated and have been looking for work, but working for your husband doesn’t do much for your CV. I take care of every aspect of his business, of our kids and of the house. All he does is bitch at me and pile on more work. Currently I am recovering from the flu. Today I have to go into the office to answer phones, greet patients and make his “important” phone calls I lost my voice and …view more


I am so sick of being told to “suck it up” and “sacrifice” for this stupid job. I’ve given up enough. I have no social life. I have no family. I have no significant other. I have no hobbies. I don’t have the career I wanted. I just having this frakking job and I don’t even like it. The hours are horrible and all-consuming, the work frustrating and miserable, the people demanding and ungrateful, the work environment toxic both literally and figuratively, it’s freezing in here, and the money …view more

Will it ever end? 2326

So lying here in my bed, my ex beside me fast asleep and I really want to fuck the guy in the room next door who is our close friend and housemate. Obviously their is more backstory with this tale but you can already understand some of its complexities. I’m just fed up of all this bullshit I go through and all the hard work I do and getting nothing back. At work I’m over qualified for my position and am the only one who seems to care that things are done properly, so I end up doing it all …view more

Ed Sheeran and Everything Else On the Planet 3131

Ed Sheeran is shit. One Direction are shit. TV is shit. Getting up in the morning is shit. Not being able to eat as much as you want is shit. People are annoying. Children are loud, smelly and shit and I hate every single one of them. I hate parents. Not my parents, but parents as a collective thing. They are smug and miserable and shit. The world is a terribly shit place. The news is full of utter utter shit. TV presenters are incredibly annoying. Noise is ridiculously annoying. Jobs are ALL …view more

EWW GRosS! 2627

Had a guy come in and drop a prescription off with his girlfriend/skank. As I’m typing up his profile, I didn’t notice until I glance back over to let him know it’s going to be a few minutes, that he is dry grind/humping his girlfriend against my counter. I mean really? You are in a public place! I promptly told him it’ll be a few minutes, we’ll call him if he’s got something better to do. What I really wanted to do is ask him if he was just going to fuck her against the counter, since that’s …view more

fuck you guys 2417

Firstly, I could barely sleep the night before because of a terrible fit of insomnia. I have to wake up at 5 every morning to get to school on time. Then, I get to go through my 8 hour school day, then spend the rest of the evening in music rehearsals/working at my job until I finally get home at 10 pm.
So, two hours of sleep plus about 17 hours of active work.
I had agreed with two project partners that we would divide our project into thirds and I would be willing to put it on a poster. When …view more

throw me under the bus, mr van 1829

seriously way too frazzled. tired as hell to work on a team that will throw you under the bus when they need to.

To my ex-boss. 2729

There is so much to say, and I can’t believe I put it off for so long.

I applied to a lot of jobs, trying to get someone to give me my first job ever. I applied to your store on a whim, not thinking that I had the experience needed to get a position as a dog bather. Yet you took me in and gave me a chance. Take note that I am very thankful for the year and some odd months I spent working for you. But it was not easy, and you never attempted to make it so. In fact, you did quite the opposite. I …view more

Piss the fuck off everyone. 2436

I’m really busy with work now, my boss has gone off on vacation and people are hounding me instead of him. Also he said he would pay me before he left, but that hasn’t appeared yet. But my parents keep calling me. And I know they are my parents, and they gave me life, and put up with me for 20+ years but I know when I don’t answer that call they become upset and it’s something to complain about when I follow up. But seriously I just wish I could say to them, even though you don’t respect what I …view more

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