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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Posts Tagged With: working

Your search returned 11 results.
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If they want to live like animals, let them die like animals 1924

Working at a hospital USED to make me feel amazing…like I was doing something worth living for and making a difference in peoples lives. NOW….I go to work in the constant fear that I will be physically attacked or shot ( we have had non-stop lock downs due to walk in gun shot victims). I am SICK and TIRED of picking you off the ground, being covered in your blood, hurting my back throwing you on a stretcher and saving your fucking life for your family and you to treat me like shit when you dont …view more

I feel empty and sick all at once. 2022

I didn’t realize today was going to turn out like it has. I’m fbally in a good place with my life, working hard and getting things done. Sure, I don’t trust my brother, and I don’t want to be in the same room as him. I didn’t realize how angry with him I was until today. He used to tease me and yeah, sibling stuff, the eight months ago it got bad, I’ve been bruised, told that what I wanted to do with my life was useless, and now I’m scared of him. I’m angry that I’m scared of him. I’m taller, …view more

For Those who are Suicidal should Not Look(Or maybe should, for a wake-up call) 1629

Because I seriously can’t stand when people want to kill themselves. I would go on, being a good girl saying how it’s not worth it, and life hasn’t been fully experienced yet, but none of that seems to be working.

So I’ll just put it this way.

Grow some fucking balls you cowards. That’s right, I just called you a coward. Why? Because that’s all you are. Running away and killing yourself will never solve anything, it’ll just make everything worse for everyone and it’ll be all your faults. Want …view more

Why is it so hard. 2034

I told you that i liked you and i was sorry it was going to be awkward.. You said it didn’t have to be.. it still is in a way. I’ve talked to you a little after but only like once or twice.. You’re in my last class and today i was by you because my friend sits by you and we were working together.. I see you in the hallway and i act like i don’t notice you but in reality i forget what im saying and start saying random things so you don’t notice. I smile and freak out when i see you. When i first …view more

Hate rude people! 1831

Dear lady and horrible daugther at starbucks:
You both are CUNT BAGS, like it is so hard to wait for a new drink, or wait for 5 minutes because the people behind the counter only have 3 people there and they are working as fast as they can. I hope you both reap what you sow, and I hope you both get in a HUGE car crash.
Dear guy at burrito place today:
All I have to say is you are a fucking asshole, douche, fucktard, ass-licker. Yes you did have a right to be mad, but you did not handle that …view more

Shitty boss 2826

I worked for a medium sized company, supplying to big box stores. The owner is such a full of crap. Seven months ago begged me to lend the company some money and pleading so that he can hold some of my pay to pay the company bills. I was the only one left in the company after he fired everyone, working 4 persons job alone. He promised me a raise which he did.

Lately the sales numbers are up and he’s bitching about my (so called bad) performance in handing my job which was handled by 3 person …view more

bile-letting 2332

If you’re bitter and you know it, slap your hands
If you’re bitter and you know it, and you really want to show it,
If your’re bitter and you know it, slap everyone around you.

I’m so pissed off at this chick I’m working with who can’t draft a business document if her life depended on it. She sent me stuff that was so awful, that I fell sick just looking at it. After trying to edit it, I gave up. I’m rewriting them from scratch now. FML.

I hate the people I work with. I just hate em, hate …view more

Feeling like I need to get away. 1624

I’m a straight A student in my first year of a Radiography degree. I’m 22 and after 5 years of working entry level jobs since graduating High School, I decided I should find a career. I left my hometown to move 7 hours away. My girlfriend changed jobs and moved down here to this backwards town to join me.

All I want to do is go back to where I came from, be a career barista and play soccer. Soccer is all I care about and there’s not much soccer in this bumfuck place.

I get ostracized for …view more

Seriously, there’s plenty to do. 3828

What the FUCK!!
Apparently, “I don’t want to send my kids to daycare so I need to stop working and stay at home with the baby.” really means, “I wanna sit around and play games on Facebook all day while you earn a living to support us, clean the house, do the yardwork, walk the dog, and everything else that needs to be done around here.”
Sure, I get that you spend your day with the baby, feed him and then put him down for naps. But if he’s going to take 2 hour naps twice a day, maybe you could …view more

Fecking facebook! 3652

GRRR I’ve been meaning to upload pics from traveling abroad, but since there are so many I have procrastinated quite a bit. today I finally started working on it, and Facebook has decided it just doesn’t want to upload my pictures! just says “upload failed, please try again,” over and OVER… I have restarted IE and my computer as well and it still won’t work.

I’m about ready to throw this goddamn laptop out the window!

Overworked…I just need to disappear 2628

I honestly havent had a day off to do nothing and not be bothered by anyone in over a year! Even those days when I dont go into the office, there is still usually someone at home whining at me to clean. (I really dont feel like fucking cleaning up everyone elses’ mess!) Also this past couple weeks I worked a small mindless holiday job on my holiday days off and know that I have started back up here at my office job I am dead tired. All i really want to do Is travel to some exotic location and …view more

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