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Dear Anonymous people who read this,
I want to tell you that life will get better for everyone. If your depressed don’t give up on yourself right now. Things will start to look up. To all you happy-go-lucky folks out there, life only gets better. Remember that. I am someone behind a screen who loves giving advice to people who need help me. When I read your rants, I feel so much sympathy. It’s not pity because I know most of you guys hate pity. I try to comment on posts as much as I can. I hope you guys get through everything you are going through. Please don’t harm or anything. Some of you might be super young and still have a life to live. Some maybe older with a family. But remember that family needs a mother and wife figure.
Stay Strong,
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Post a confession or rant now! It’s completely anonymous.
Posted by Anonymous 17th August 2015
thank you so much for posting on my rant, it made me extremely happy this post made me cry because I feel like you understand thank you