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I read an article about bully bosses and how to fight them. I’ve been working for one the last seven years, he likes bravado and only likes compliments for him where in fact we all do the work. They found out that he was a drug user during the most recent drug testing at work. he made all the drama and the management did not get rid of him. Now every morning, i know the routine, he comes in mad, targets me, whispers nasty stuff when no one is looking around, goes to management meetings and says bad things about me. By noontime he goes to the restroom and stays there for an hour with his newspaper. Comes out in a good mood. Other times I look at him and he moves like a zombie and you can see his eyes droopy like he is high.WHen I try to make decisions and it counts credit for the department he gets insecure and sometimes cusses at me, when I don’t do anything he tells the management I don’t do good working. I don’t want to quit because I am a civilian employee, while he is a uniformed one. If I quit my slot will be given to him and it will give him the opportunity to work at the company forever. I don’t know what to do, he is trying to get rid of me, but he is so strong that management beleives him and gives all he wants. help.
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Posted by Anonymous 25th September 2010
I agree with help? I am going through a similar thing and have started documenting everything that I feel constitutes bullying and harassment. Good luck!Post a confession or rant now! It’s completely anonymous.
Posted by help? 11th March 2010
report him to HR, and carry a tape around for the nasty comments. I am assuming there is a department somewhere you can turn to if he is dumb enough to say anything outright derogatory. don’t have conversations with him alone, and document your work as yours. try to go for written communications at all time, and CC someone else you trust (and preferably in a supervisory position) bottom line, start making complaints and documenting incidents. That way if something bad goes down, there’s a history and you don’t come up looking like a paranoid and bitter employee who is retaliating with no basis.