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Is it REALLY too much to ask that you ask a question if you want to have something? Really? Until tonight, I thought we were all adults in this place; obviously I’m dead wrong.
To the crappy child-masquerading-as-adult who decided to snarf some of the cupcakes for THE CHURCH FUNDRAISER THAT I TOLD EVERYONE ABOUT, thanks. Thanks a bunch. It is late. I am tired, especially after being kept up last night with toothache after my dental filling yesterday. We didn’t get in until nearly seven. I haven’t really had dinner. I haven’t really had lunch, unless you count the Motrin, Paracetomol and other pain-relieving things I’ve been ingesting every couple of hours to keep this shooting pain in my mouth at bay. I baked last week for everyone; I did homemade bread (two batches) and chocolate cake with frosting. Everytime I bake for everyone at home, I let you know and I invite you to have some. The ONE time I’m trying to do something for my church, you have to show that you’re an adult with no self-control and that your big guts are really the ones calling the shots? Seriously? If we’d got home earlier I would have been able to bake for everyone, but since we didn’t, I didn’t. I ALREADY didn’t get to bake much for the fundraiser and you’ve managed to make it even less with your greed and selfishness, Big Guts.
To make it even better, the powdered sugar I bought and never used has gone missing. See, THIS is why I don’t bother keeping stuff in that cupboard anymore, particularly because even asking where my stuff has been moved to gets me yelled at. So I’m buying stuff for others to use and I’m STILL screwed when it comes to doing what I need to.
Now I’m absolutely tired and can’t even summon the strength to stay up at after ten to bake another cake to cover up your greed and lack of self control. Thanks. Thanks a bunch.
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