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My husband tried to control everything about my life! He’s very critical of me and has been trying to fix me since we got married a year and a half ago. He manipulates and shames to get his way, I’ve told him how he’s hurting me. I’ve become angry and bitter he thinks the problem is me and past family issues because he’s secretly read all my journals from 2005 until now! He thinks he’s saving me! He’s insane! I’ve responded very angrily to his criticism and verbal attacks and I’ve been horrible back and I admit it, but he thinks this is all in me! I want to stay with him but he’s so critical!!!! Ahhhh
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Posted by Anonymous 19th December 2015
I was there too, but with a boyfriend. For 6 years he tried to change everything about me. Nothing was good enough… My hair, clothes, family, religion, car, dog, college major, music style… Nothing! Finally I walked away, and began to live my life without that narcissistic dickbag.