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I swear it my friend is a crazy egotistic psycho that thinks she knows it all…. like honestly don’t ask for an opinion or say something that you know i’m going to toss my 2 cents in on. And honestly learn its a fucking opinion…. She always has to think she knows it all and is always right and its sooo fucking annoying. She doesn’t get the fact that omg maybe for once someone actually knows or has observed something differently from me that I could take to my own knowledge.. Noooo instead you have to fiiind sooome annoying ass way to prove yourself, when all in all in the back of your head you know I’m right!! I honestly think she had her hand held through her entire life!! She does work her butt off but she sits there and bitches at how its to hard and stressful and how she shouldn’t have to put up with it. Not only that she has to make it sound like everything is so hard for her and now that she moved away its sooo easy cause her parents give her a free ride and she takes her time. I wish I had a free ride, because it’d be nice but then again I wouldn’t have the work ethics that I do have and the knowledge that I carry about how the world works. Its hard and crude and you have to…i don’t know work for a living? Like really, when I tell her stuff like oh maybe you shouldn’t be so picky about what kind of job you get or pass up an opportunity she gets an attitude and then fights with me on how its not what she wanted and how she deserves better than that because she’s sooo great. Reality check deary the economy sucks and your fresh out of school take what you can get because it may be an opportunity to greatness in the end and you just may have lost your chance! The greatest people start from crappy jobs and look at them now! But hey take your time why not, its your life not mine. By the time I’m done you’ll be just getting a job or realized that you need to get what you can take. Stop with having your ego so high up, its only that way because everyone around you told you what you wanted to hear so we didn’t have to hear you whine because you couldn’t take it even if it was just an opinion and it was in the nicest way. I have my goals and I don’t know why I tell you my opinion when in the end honestly you don’t care but then again i wouldn’t be me if I sugar coated life for you the way I see it. Learn how to take an opinion its another persons point of view, that’s why its called and OPINION you fucking crazy egotistic psycho…
And no I don’t need advice I just wanted to rant and let it all out. I know its my opinion and if she doesn’t like it oh well why are you saying it and all that, but I’m not one to sit back and tell people what they want to hear. So they can take the opinion or not, never said you had to like it but you don’t have to be and ass or a bitch about it and move on by moving to another topic just because you don’t like it.
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