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I’m sorry, I ever dated you. I wasn’t ready nor was I even attracted to you. At the time, I wanted a friend who listened, but who I could also have fun with and you fit the bill. You blame yourself, and for awhile I blamed you too. You were clingy. You were a druggie. You would tell me things you shouldn’t do. You asked me out again. But I see now, I was at fault too. You wanted a year long relationship, I wanted a 3 month or less relationship. You wanted sex. I wanted you to not even touch me. You wanted pictures of me. I wanted none of you. And worst of all, I wasn’t loyal. I cheated on you. I sexted a girl was my BFF’s sister. I thought you knew.. I’m sorry. But what hurts the most, is that i lied, stating we should stay friends- but I couldn’t look you in the eyes. Never could I. I was guilty from the start. After we broke up, you continued to bother me. You tried to get me jealous, asked out my friends, and wrote me letters about how you missed me. Why did you want me? I’m a monster. Unloyal and depressed. I was so unhappy in our relationship I attempted suicide. And you continued to hurt me after we broke up? I deserve it- but you didnt seem the vengful type.
It’s been a almost a year sense i gave you that final, ‘F-off’ and over a year sense I dated. I told you I would never date again . . . I lied again. I’m dating my cat.
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