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Title says it all…I’ve been literally forced to study for some useless topic that’s never ever EVER in a billion years going to be useful in any way, shape or form to me…And that’s exactly the last thing I wanted to see happen in my life: school taking over my free time! I’ve already suffered enough in school, why do I now have to suffer more? Is this really what life is all about? School, work then the retirement house when you’re too old and senile? Even though I find solace in games, such temporary relief loses all of its appeal after being literally nagged to death about why I should keep on reading about the topic that will never be useful to me and why I should never give up and and why pseudo-motivational this and why pseudo-motivational that! I HAVE LITERALLY NO CONTROL WHATSOEVER OVER MY LIFE.
But the minute I’m able to, I am going to sever all remaining connections to the family and live my life alone, just like how I will intend it! People are scum! Humanity is a cancer that shouldn’t have evolved past those Neanderthal men! The only reason we are ever alive is that we managed to shape our environment to our liking, but has the environment ever shapen US to ITS liking? I remember Agent Smith, from The Matrix, effectively comparing humans to viruses…”[We] move to an area and [we] multiply and multiply until every natural resource’s consumed. The only way [we] could survive is to spread to another area.” When nature wasn’t “providing” for us, we forced nature to provide for us, we coerced it into submission. We don’t ever adapt, we make EVERYTHING ELSE adapt! Hell, when we’re not bombing each other because our imaginary friends are stronger than their’s, we’re enslaving each other!
I’d go on and on, but then again, I’d deviate from my main topic, which was that I never had control over my life. After being nagged to death, I just don’t want to DO anything, it’s like that nagger had effectively SAPPED my will to do something…
I despise humanity from the bottom of my blackened heart! YOU DON’T OWN ME! I hate everything! Go play in a blender, will ya? Stop bothering me! GO AWAY!
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