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Oh, you’re so cool. HA. Yeah, don’t let em see you in the morning, you fuck, to see how cool your DT’s are. I saved your truly damned life because I didn’t want your stinking corpse in my house, ok? That’s IT. I am the fuck up here, as you like to point out, but I don’t have a drug or alcohol problem. You do.
I smoke cigarettes & drink my espresso in the morning… no more. At least I was able to handle my shit when I did choose to do it. Unlike you.
You will always be a child, another name you like to call me. I have a nice place to live, in a nice neighborhood, house full of food and money. What have you got, John? Another trip to jail? No, I am much too far away to bail you out again. Thanks for being yet another guy to help destroy my credit. No more. It has been four years, and my life has been just fine sans cock. Sans men, boys, and most of all YOU. John C. I do not place your full last name because I am a good person. A good person, John.
I did this all on my own, zero help, while disabled, recovering from abdominal surgery.
You do not know adversity until you try to move, with an 8 inch incision through to your guts. Just a little tape holding you together, oh yeah, and no pain medication.
I DID IT. For my effort, I now live in comfort! Free from YOU. All of you lame fucks… you will all encounter such adversity, and there will be no help. No nice Heather to call and be there for you, no nice Heather to step on. If I see you on my porch, expect significant injury. I am also now protected, make of that what you will.
You will have fun during liver failure I am sure. Unless the tweakers get you, which they will. You’ve placed yourself in their nest… so… it’s a matter of time. And believe me, you won’t look cool anymore… ha ha I bet you’re looking pretty rough right about now. Probably full on addicted… I know you were doing it while I was there, I’m not stupid like you think I am. I saw. I know the people you were running with. They don’t give a shit about you, John C from New York. You wish you were from NY. YOU are from Podunk, Florida!!! I found that and have it in black and white. Fucking Florida. Worse than any hillbilly or redneck, you are lower than a butt infection, john. c. from FLORIDA.
Let me inform you that you don’t live in an exclusive area… it’s the RE-JECT area. All the rejects of California go there when they can’t cut it anymore in the REAL world. That’s why no one cares about that area, or goes there to start biz.
I live in a city in an undisclosed location of luxury and pleasure that you will NEVER find. You are NOT on the list, and if you gave me a pint of fresh blood, you still wouldn’t get anywhere near me.
Hope you still have the photos I sent you. That’s all you will ever get of this Goddess. You will realize you fucked up, and by then it will be far too late. Who else will draw your portrait? I curse that portrait to bring you misfortune for as long as you have it. I hate you. I hate your lies and how you toyed with my feelings. I hope you suffer, and suffer, in agonizing pain for days before you die alone John C. from Florida.
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