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I was a pussy no doubt about. If I had balls I would figure out where the prick doctor lived and would rip his face off!!! I would reach in his mouth an pull to the sides and watch his whole mouth burst then I would rip his skin up over his head!! HE HURT MY WIFE!!! HE DELIVERED MY BABY WITH SUCH INHUMANITY!!! HE WAS SUCH AN ASSHOLE! !!! I WISH HE WAS DEAD! I WILL STOMP ON HIS HEAD UNTIL HIS BRAINS POP OUT OF HIS EYES!!! I WILL KILL HIM OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!! HE IS EVERYTHING I HATE AND I HOPE HE DIES!!! WHAT A FUCKING ABUSIVE CUNT!!!
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Posted by :) 6th July 2012
Two words friend, malpractice suits.Why beat the shit out of him when you can take some of that money he’s screwed out of other people? Will be more help in the long run.
I suggest you find a good lawyer and if you got a case, sue the living fuck out of him
I hate doctors…….so much.