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why is it a suprize that when u abuse people to a state of NOT giving a flying fuck, u get a world of people who dont give a flying fuck. seems a little short sited. why beside screaming fear would anybody who crossed the finish line want anything to do with peeps whose motto is- if she lives, she lives.
death of unions. i think that’s a lye. that’s about hormoans and biology and people huddling together out of fear. dont see my path as typical and at the end of the day i have a great many unions. lolol poligamy week. loved the concept. u ‘r turn no u takem. lolol.
most certainly this crap plays a role ummm it is impossible to have a relationship with different purceptions orrr ones so very extremely different. then it just gets wierd. cloest risk attacks in unaware andd really as open to invasion ya never know who will drop buy. scarry fucking world yup. concept of working together for a goal is hugely damaged in not knowing or caring what goals r.
like minds is missing from possiblitys and fear of just sooo many real things. blocks and things that make us sick in ways that r hard to address. flooded and over whelmed for no particular reason u can share.
in reality i saw a great opportunity/tool to get people out an mingling and exploring and learning anddd idk. probably best course of action. but then the world is a crazy place and i feel like a target. kamacausy chick today come a fraction closer to the poor arm would of get a smack in the head. i dont look good in stripes. support makes me brave and really i have some amazing people in my life and ahhh i would not bee here without them. ummm they couldnt help me but the fact that they were there made possible things that r not.
i suppose there is a flip side to that . in a general way sooo many peeps have helped knowingly or not and some stuff just fucking crazy a given.
getting to here was quite a job. in terms of moi, i believe i gave it alll i got and i need to make health my priority. pain aint fun and we just have to live above it :( but really the mosre u take care of the body , well it still hurts but it helps.
i have some concerns of continued damage to whateverthefuck is happenin with the spine. yes i know all of it. reformate and cookies. and targetted. probably should address technical. i do believe it’s based in doing the absolute oposite from mio. i stick to what i know and easy target. probably random and leaping about, in results, same thing. idk, i could bee wrong, i often am. i just come here to write. different reasons at different times. and learn, i learn of thing real and unrealer.
i do recall many times along the way pointing out. ummm the concept of support of the horde. so many lonely and forgotten peeps in this world but in a reality that isnt- all the carring masses hit the road if u r really in trouble or pain, idk just the way it is, who wants to bee in pain. i find death threats and my flimsy belief in respect andd really i hear some peeps use extremly ofensive pictures and the pray without ceasing runs off a large number. hahaha.
i did see rumor of division of porn and ummm normal tht process. complex as we r all both. war with ones self. the most important battles we face r with out selves sooo probably just another fun filled way to fuck people up. who knows time will tell
hundreds??? my beliefs and my values and the world we live in. i dont feel the need to defend my position. the world is a different place and i live in the past. much of my journey felt like a job to bee done, in view of what i believe to bee true. hard at times but i saw nothing that conflicted. more options and my journey was unrealist as nobody is purfect. lmaolmaolmao….i try not to spend my life in contemplation of how all this will lay out in the future, i try and do the best i can with what is NOW. or i hide in my closet and bake cookies. nite
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