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I don’t even know where to begin. Short and sweet, my SIL is a bitch, and I’m tired of it.
All day long all I hear is bitch, bitch, bitch. She enjoys the pleasure of looking for things to complain about, one little thing and you’ll get bitched at.
She prances around the house all day bitching and crying, I do everything around here and no body helps me. Oh, fucking please. All you do is sit on your ass all fucking day long watching TV and fucking off on your phone. You don’t do shit. Poor fucking lazy me.
She doesn’t fucking clean, she’s a god damn slob. You completely clean the kitchen and literally 10 hours later you walk into the kitchen and it’s a complete disaster, like a bomb went off. Food and dishes every where, clothes and random bullshit all over the floor. Then comes the poor pitiful me bitch. May I remind you cunt that you not only don’t do shit around here, but you weren’t the one to clean the kitchen in the first place. You were the one to fuck it up, and you let the kids fuck it up because you’re too god damn lazy to get off your ass and either stop them from doing it, or pick up after them like a fucking responsible adult. And you’re too damn lazy to pick up after yourself.
And I wish you would just stop “cooking.” It’s absolutely fucking atrocious to begin with, then you don’t clean up after yourself. Dirty pots and pans sit on the stove for days, hidden dirty pans under the sink or in the oven to hide it from people. Here’s an idea, fucking wash them you dumb cunt. Let’s not talk about all the mixing bowls you can’t even fucking rinse out that get all crusty and nasty and sit around for days. Or the pile of dishes that sit in the sink that you and your kids dirtied.
You are unbefuckinglievable. “I don’t have the time to clean, I got kids to deal with.” No, you’re just fucking lazy. You sure the hell find enough time to sit on your ass all day watching TV, and to play on your phone while you sit up on your cunty throne blaming everyone else for your problems while you play the victim of your own circumstances. You just sit there bitching and moaning while the rest of the world deals with their problems instead of blaming them on someone else.
I know single mothers with more kids than you and there houses are immaculate, I’m by no means saying it’s easy, but you only have two fucking kids who can take care of themselves, that’s not a valid excuse. It certainly is to you, I can just blame my kids for being a lazy dumb fuck and try to make everyone else pick up after me. For fuck sake you can’t even put your god damn coffee spoon in the fucking sink that it’s literally three inches away. Or there’s sugar all over the fucking counter that sits there for days and then you wonder where the ants are coming from, gee, that’s weird.
I got a surprise for you, my brother is thinking about divorcing your ass and regrets the day he married you. Our lives were fucking perfect before you came along and fucked everything up. I’m sure you are also unaware of the fact that the rest of my family fucking hates you too, oh, yeah. They talk major shit behind your back and hate that you married into this family.
I’m glad I’m leaving, and I hope you do get divorced and you spend the rest of your life alone as a bitchy nobody, oh, wait. Too late for that.
I’ve got a couple more months before I leave, until then, and after, you can go fuck yourself. I don’t want to speak to you or see your face ever again. I would suggest you think real hard and learn to become a responsible adult. It’s time to change your tampon, put on your fucking pants and act like a normal human being. Just because you’re a women it doesn’t mean you get a free pass to treat every one like shit.
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