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I would just like to say that our four year relationship was a colossal waste of my fucking time. I dated down in the first place thinking that maybe a homely looking guy would make up for his looks with some common fucking sense. Wrong. You successfully hid a pill problem, you keep your place in shambles & our sex life sucked. You told me I was weird for wanting to new things in bed & then you are fucking some 19 year old skeezer behind my back? I should have taken one of the million offers coming my way while we were together. At least I would have been getting some kind of satisfaction. And why the fuck do you hide it? You talked me out of breaking up with you twice before I found out you were a whore. Why cry like a bitch & stay like a coward? You should have let me just break up with you. Instead you opted to deny the whole thing & try to act like I’m crazy. The first thing you asked me was “What makes you think I am cheating?” You might as well have said “how did you find out?” But I am the one that is crazy- Whatever you have to tell yourself. It’s too bad that I was already looking for a way out & value myself enough not to put up with your bullshit lies. It’s not like our stale-ass relationship was going anywhere anyway. You will never muster the gumption to hoist your ass off the couch, turn off the video game, put down the pill bottle & be a man. It’s like you are stuck in a time warp of when your parents were paying for everything & you were living the dream. Your parents had to work for the money they spoiled you with, but you spend every last dime making yourself as comfortable as possible instead of getting ahead. You are over 30 fucker… get a grip. Is that why you would mess around with a girl 13 years younger than you? Does she take you back in time? You WOULD take advantage of the ONLY other fucking option you had besides me. Well now you won’t be getting “some strange” cuz you can have that bitch all the time. That is if she still wants to fuck you now that you do not have a gorgeous girlfriend to hide it from. I would bet that I took all of the thrill out of it when I walked out on your sorry ass. I just got through telling my mom that I wished you would cheat on me so I could make a clean break from you, I never thought in a million years that my dreams would come true. Problem is, even though you had her playing 2nd fiddle you hid it very carefully because you loved me & deep down you knew I was the best thing that ever happened to you. So now you can wallow in sorrow that you are an ignorant asshole that will be alone for the rest of his life. Oh, you think tweenie is gonna spend her Friday nights with your old ass watching reruns of Seinfeld instead of going out with her friends? Get a fucking clue. I hope you think of me when you call & she doesn’t answer.
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Posted by Anonymous 10th January 2012
good fucking job enough said?.