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Dear Society,
Why the bloody hell are people always sticking their noses into other people’s shit?? I’ve been unemployed for a while and guess what happens? My parents have forced me to go to 4 fucking weddings (of their acquaintances if I might add) this month where every dumb fucking person has to fucking know what I’m planning to do! Let it be known that I just turned 22 and everyone wants to know when the hell I’m getting married. And worst of all, I hate crowds (because they give me terrible anxiety) and I hate weddings with a strong passion (Seriously though, why do weddings exist? “Oh look! This person and I want to declare our love to each other and chain ourselves legally to each other and we feel the need to flaunt it to the whole fucking world”) and I plan on never ever getting married but of course the Indian fucking society will never let that happen and I will probably end up married to a complete fucking stranger and spend the rest of my life wallowing in regret! I am trying SO HARD to not give in to society’s demands but it really feels fucking impossible sometimes! :(
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Posted by Anonymous 8th September 2017
Yeah I know the feeling of being unemployed and having everyone think that you are always free to help them.Its been the first time in literally decades that I have been unemployed.At first it wasn’t that bad then it got to the point that everyone forgot I had a life.They would get mad if I couldn’t help them with errands projects which translated to me doing it all for them.I had to put my foot down.It was rough,But I managed for the most part to straighten that out.As to the rest of your post sorry I was born and raised in the US.I couldn’t picture my parents arranging a marriage for me.Though in a sense we do kind of have that .They will give their input in very strong terms. Sometimes that works more times than not it doesn’t. More times than not they end up accepting the marriage even if they aren’t initially happy about it.