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You don’t have to call me atleast once every 30 minutes… just to show some cute thing our son does. Definitely not when I need to work.
If I post a status or a photo before you in facebook, learn to appreciate it and enjoy it together. Just because we have many friends and relatives in common doesn’t make me a hero for posting it and you a stupid for not. Stop making it the no.1 issue in the world and above all stop harassing me for it.
If anything. stop your stupid phone chats and make lunch for our son before he starts yelling for it.
Is learning to drive and getting a license that tough that you couldn’t do it in 4 years now? I am sick of being your chauffeur all the time.
If you can’t sleep with an ant crawling in the room, go to a doctor. Humans have better immunity. Thats no reason to kick me out of the bedroom just because I snore. But, guess what, offlate, I think I am better off sleeping on the couch than wake up to your screams and kicks in the middle of the night (because I snored).
Realize that work is as important to others as it is to you. Just because you go to an office and I work from home taking care of the kid doesn’t mean I have nothing better to do in life.
If your work demands too many sane hours (and 9pm doesn’t even count as sane), consider moving jobs.
Don’t blame me for every problem of yours. I am not your punch bag.
I cannot get you a gift for our anniversary or your birthday because I don’t know what you want/like. If I get you something I think looks great on you or would be very useful to you, you reject it instantaneously because you think I am wrong. At the same time, you won’t make a minimal effort to let me know what you like. And then leave me with guilt that I did not gift you anything.
I like eating out way more than you do. An occasional dinner outside with our son being babysat is not evil.
Just because you married me, don’t expect my parents to be free baggage to look after our son. They have their own life. If you can’t meet their expectations, don’t expect them to meet yours. Above all, stop complaining about them to me. You do it, they do it. Sometimes I just want to give both of you two sticks and let you sort it out. Heck, I just want to take our son (unless you are 100% confident you can take care of him alone) and go some place I don’t see any of you.
If we ever get divorced, I don’t ever ever ever ever want to get into a relationship again.
I understand I am not flawless and you could recite chapters against me, but thats the whole point.
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