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Yeah, I get that I’m not “supposed” to hate my father, but guess the fuck what? I do!
He has verbally abused me and my mother ever since I can fucking remember. He’s overly-religious, homophobic, and racist.
My parents got divorced last year, and it was the best thing that has ever fucking happened to me. But it was also the worst. Now my father wants to “restore our relationship.” But he doesn’t realize that we never fucking had one to begin with. Sometimes I just want to tell him that I’m pansexual and an atheist so that he will leave me the fuck alone.
He’s so paranoid, everything that happens gets thrown back in my mother’s face. He accuses her of “with-holding me from him” like I’m some kind of fucking object, even though it’s my choice. I don’t want to visit my father. I deserve better then his shit treatment.
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