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Ever since I was a child, I’ve absolutely hated hearing other people talk. Even when there are a few people in the room having fun by just chatting, I absolutely cannot stand it. I always have something to do, and noise does nothing but distract me.
So, naturally, I expect silence in the evening in my college dorm on a specifically designated “quiet floor”. I’ve got people a few doors down who get wasted every Saturday and try to convince their friend to get wasted with them. I’ve got people a few doors down the other way who leave their door open and do nothing but yell “oh, fuck you” when they’re playing games. I’ve got people a few more doors down that chat and laugh in the hallways AND NOT THE FUCKING ROOMS THEY PAID FOR.
And they don’t stop. I ask them to stop. They don’t. It’s like asking somebody who’s smoking a cigarette to put it out or telling a drunk to stop being drunk. It’s impossible. And I cannot stand it.
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