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“I told you I wanted the light on”! Dumb ass runt smarts off and Im expected to ignore it, Thats not how I was raised. When the light went off the kid shut his/her mouth and went to fucking sleep. But in this house is a fucking democracy and the ?older? kid as I have documented an pages is never at fault for very much. Coddled to the limit perhaps an over compensation for having a convict ?supa G? for a dad who is busy pumpin and pimpin the next blonde coloured moron for all her quid and eggs. All be it included in the raising off the a fore mentioned offspring the ?all are equal in this house? twat has a lack of common sense beyond her comprehension of right and wrong. waaa Uh Mummy I?really..wanted..the?light?on and mind you after I am told ? I said I wanted the light on? by a 3 year old. So I am told to ?be quiet? I wanna hear what she has to say. Well sure and why not give the kid a ballot to vote for our local council. Presumptuous beyond belief to imagine the cerebral functioning of the little proto-hominid goes beyond the luster of candy and comfort and ?shiny? shit, but Ive noticed a similarity in regards to maturity levels of them both. I made a terrible mistake when I pursued this wench, my mates have noticed that I am not happy, my dad has noticed I am not happy. She thinks its me and Im up and down, well shes right. Ive lost my fucking mind living with blondie and the miniature chimpanzee with a mustache and greasy hair. When you have to raise someone elses nut and the mums cunny has lost its appeal, whats one to do.
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Posted by Beer Wench 5th July 2011
I only condemn you because you stay. If a 3 yr old is telling you what to do, then you need to get the fuck out. Or beat the fuck out of the kid. No child dictates discipline, or what an adult does. And if the mum is allowing a child to dictate behaviour, then she needs meds & a psych eval. Save your sanity, & get away!